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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

Ok man

Listen, first you need to set down that pipe you've been smoking off of. Second you need to go out and find a nice woman. Third bring her home and get laid. Fourth wash rinse repeat.

I can't believe I just sat through that. Please don't state things as fact when they are not FACT. There may be some evidence backing up some of the things you say but that doesn't make them facts. Facts can not be debated because they are absolutely true. I can debate most of what you said all day with you....


As soon as you can tell me how the tilt of the earth is linked to our thinking I may buy it but for now I'm not convinced. Just because something happens at the same time as something ells doesn't mean the two are connected.

RiverJordan responds:

...I just did though


Weight is actually measured in NEWTONS. Tons are mass.


what is this...?

is this a joke...?


RiverJordan responds:

You decide!

Way to undermine any credit to your argument

by referring to the african Dogon Tribe, and the egyptains, two vibrant cultures with their own paradigms for learning and scientific structures, as barbarians, your flash fails. Your entire argument relies, every time, on the fact that these 'barbarians' couldn't have done it, however, you fail to provide any anthropological or historical reason for why this is so.

For example. The Geocentric (earth centered) universe, as posited by Aristotle in this Physics, and also by other brilliant non-barbarous people, was wrong, sure. However, it was observed. Emperical evidence was discussed, debated, and tested. Science took place then, and has been taking place since man started growing crops or using tools.

TL:DR The 'barbarian' claim is unsubstantiated, and it is the keystone of your argument.

PS normally I review based on animation, but, considering the lack of mouth animation and the sterile character design, I'm reviewing the argument, which is what the flash was mainly meant to convey.

That being said, your argument is clearly dogmatic. 4/10

PPS. I do believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. You just constructed an invalid proof.
