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Reviews for "SS - Keys of our Past"

Look up the word spurious.

The earth is very old and many MANY things have been carved into many MANY cave walls. While I won't dispute the facts that you have stated in your expose, I would like to leave you a cautionary note about spuriously relating these facts to one another in order to draw conclusions.

For example (and this is also true) there is a thermometer buoy in the Pacific ocean whose temperature fluctuations predict Microsoft Corporation share prices for the past 10 years. This occurred purely because there are many buoys (thousands of them) in many oceans and many stocks that one could choose from to track performance (at least 120 years). In fact, if we picked a different set of 10 years, we could probably find a different buoy to make a match with a different stock. The relationship exists, but it is meaningless.

Similarly, the earth is about 4.5 BILLION years old. If the markings on the wall in one cave happen to mirror the position of a star someplace in the universe and point out the white dwarf orbiting it, it's probably just a spurious correlation. Think about how many stars there are out there and how many cave walls have been drawn on... I bet if you pick a cave wall somewhere on earth with a drawing on it, I can find you the galaxy that looks exactly like it. Same story as the buoys... too many caves and WAY too many galaxies...

I could go through most of the facts that you jumbled together in here and untangle them, but I don't have the time or desire. Suffice it to say that if we have a huge pile of facts (data) to pick from it's not difficult to pick two subsets that are trivially related.

I'm giving you 4 because the animation was good.

See I would have rated it higher

But swinging around the claim that being philosophical is making the earth dumber is entirely contradictory to everything you just said AND completely thwarts that circle, thing. You really must have a very limited understanding on history, the period of the enlightenment, the dissolution of man (Nietzsche), or at least an inept conception of it.


so, you've started this whole "pseudo-science facts of all living creatures and science is wrong" series and have been at it for a while, huh?

New ones every monday too? I don't know when you started but I'll say that's some effort you're putting in to have had a full month of these.

In terms of actual content, I'm confused.

I don't mean I'm confused because I don't understand it; I mean I'm confused as to how you can honestly take all these sporadic, varied ramblings and think they're all amazing and that they must be shared with the world.

From what you're giving in this, you're a rather cynical person, aren't you? It's completely impossible to have thought that "hairy barbarians" built ancient monuments? Day farmers in Egypt built the pyramids over the course of 25 years. It can't have been that much tougher to work on the Sphinx.

The Bible's stories are nonsensical? Have you read it? It's mostly metaphor or stories told to withhold basic beliefs. To take it at face value or see it for being a mark of its time without thought to the moral behind it is missing the point.

Your sources are already a good standing point for discredit. Edgar Cayce? It's like you're fresh into a college philosophy class and already you think you have life all figured out.

I won't say you probably only do this because you do drugs or are stupid, because you put too much passion into all this shit. What you are, friend, is gullible. You take all this for fact because you so readily believe it yourself, and you're only taking jabs (or should I say, you're only repeating jabs others have taken) at things that can't be easily proven because that's what these sorts of "scientific" theories prey on: lack of evidence or knowledge.

The only reason anyone could believe these "breakthroughs" is because whoever thought of the theory was the first one to stand up and claim to be right. Who's to dispute it? The egyptians believed there was a patron god for every single facet of their lives, which is why out-of-the-ordinary things (which we call "coincidence") happened, according to them. They had no frame of reference where they could say "oh, well it might've just happened to happen;" instead they used the vague term that nobody understood to answer their question: religion.
A disease caused by rust is the Metalwork god's punishment for sloth, an elephant trampling a man is punishment for disrespect to the elephant god. It's not the answer we know today, because today we know better. Today we know that things once easily clumped with other things as "mystery" have rational explanations. The first answer is always the simplest, and the simplest answer is easiest to accept.

You've listed your references, but are they honestly the first things you read on the subject? I hope not. Those books will read that "sources claim" or that "studies show" when in reality they're just paraphrasing other articles with little to no additive value to the writing. They're what you are to the rest of us: a wellspring of bizarre dribble that is going to be taken for more than it is because it's talking about a little-known subject. Do real goddamn research; read on the lives of the authors, other books and works of theirs, interviews with explanation. Your explanations sound straight out of one book for every subject. Just because it's published doesn't mean it's indisputable fact of life or a grand, focused, and intense study into the subject.

Your pseudo-science will have a frame of explanation years from now when we have capability to comprehend.

Until then, stop encouraging children on newgrounds to start smoking weed and attempting astral projection.

I'm giving a 4 for the fact that you're putting one out every week, because I know how painful that can be, minus 1 because the animation is shoddy and clearly only made to qualify it for being a Newgrounds flash instead of just an audio file.

RiverJordan responds:

Well, there's tons that i could comment on, but i'll comment on this instead.

The egyptians didn't have gods for every aspect of their lives. What you're talking about are called Neters. There were gods with a lowercase g, not actually gods. Like Anubis for example, there are 42 plus 2 neters. This represents the number of chromosomes in the human body. The purpose of the Neters was actually to teach the transition between the 1st, and 2nd level of consciousness, out of the 3 levels of consciousness that the Egyptians were focused on achieving. Both north egypt, and south egypt had their own sets of 42 and 2 Neters, which created a problem. Over time, these images slowly changed, and when King Menes put the two countries together as a single country called egypt, they also joined all of the images. This created 84 and 4 gods, and the people slowly lost the meaning and understanding, because the kings too, like the people, were dropping in consciousness over hundreds of years.

Ohhh, maybe i do know what i'm talking about after all. Things aren't what they seem at first glance. Maybe i'm not the one who needs to research more ;)


I don't know whether you were being serious or just being an amazing troll, but I'm guessing your'e quite serious. There's so much nonsense in this video, it's quite astounding. And also, that "fact" about Muslims believing that Earth is 6000 years old, and that all Egyptologist don't want to contradict that is just rubbish. And don't get me started on the whole Atlantis thing, or even the Dogon thing. Using pseudoarcheology to explain the Sphinx's markings and present it as facts is just farce. A little Googling would have helped you a long way, mate.

Other than the fact that the content of this video is rubbish, it's a good animation. I liked the style and quality of the presentation.

Another one?

Like i said in your last video, the animation in this contains quite a bit of jerky pose transitions and static poses showing no improvement visually.

And, like the others, all these ideas are loosely held together with one sided opinions presented in a friendly manner in order to create an air of validity. Over all, not impressive and predominantly wrong. You take ideas from many ideologies and try to combine them loosely stringing together vague historical evidence. You should brush up on you knowledge of Middle Eastern culture as well.

I'm sure you believe in what you're doing and that's fine, I guess. But hopefully I won't hear in the news in a month that a hundred teenagers killed themselves drinking some funky punch because Jordan Duchnycz said it would open up their aura and let them hear the voice of the universe.


RiverJordan responds:

That wont happen, don't worry. I'm not asking or telling anyone to join anything :)