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Reviews for "Sonic and Mario ep: 1"

nothing special

sonic and mario. damn am i tired of hearing those three words mixed together.
it was cool to see sonic join mario in smash brawl, and to play with them in the olympics, but to see this idea just totally overexhausted in all sorts of flash animations is really boring after the first few, whether theyre fighting eachother or on a team together, it becomes really irritating to see this be overused. frankly, any sonic and mario flash that makes it into newgrounds should be nothing short of spectacular.


While the idea of a Mario/Sonic crossover is appealing to me, this was largely a disappointment. Poor spelling, poor writing, and a story that doesn't make much sense are severe downfalls in this animation.

That said, the sprite choreography was some of the better that I've seen in a Mario/Sonic crossover, and the sound effects and music weren't bad either, even if they got a little out of sync at times.

Overall, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't very good. My recommendation would be to work a little more on writing a quality story, and spell-checking (or better yet, finding some quality voice actors).

Nice attempt, nothing new though.

I understand that Alvin Earthworm doesn't own the rights to these chracters, nor the sound effects from his movies, but if he did you would be in major copyright violation. Earthworm took a series of ideas like, crappy sprite animations, a mario and sonic collab, and a DBZ themed sprite film and combined them into something nobody had seen before. I understand that you're probably just taking Alvin's overall style, and trying to create something of your own out of it, but it just wasn't different enough to make it seem like you aren't just trying to ride his coattails. I'd suggest trying to come up with your own style, Crediting this series as a tribute to Alvin Earthworm, or just get used to alot of "U RIPD OFF ALVIN URTHWURM!!! D:<!!1" reviews, such as this one.

It's nothing new

Flash was good, sound was very bad, u should use adobe audition for better sound editing, Story was ok, ending came too suddenly......and like said before it's definetly inspired by Super mario bros Z, but thats ok i'm looking forward to the next episode.


the other reviews have been quite soft in telling you this so i'll just say it...
its a complete rip-off. not a parody, not a coincidence.

its really unoriginal dude. Nice of you to put in the effort but its not working, not with this plotline.