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Reviews for "Sonic and Mario ep: 1"


as what has been mentioned before, there were too many prolonged scenes. I can also imagine so difficluties you will have with that Silver sheet you are using. but I can see great things for you. nice job.

P.S, people will mention the similarity between this and Super Mario Bros. Z. This is due to your choice of characters. to stop these people, try using different characteristics and sound effects, or effects overall.

Not Bad

I think it's a good idea, though the guy who gave u a 3 is right about a few things, even though this is obiviously an original story it has some similarities so smbz, the fact that u added silver to the mix was a great idea in my opinion since he's not as useless as lot of ppl claim he is, try to improve the fights and fix the sounds so that they correspond with everything precisely, u do that and ur bound to have urself a legendary series. ^^

ok here goes...

pretty good. some criticism would be that it reminds me to much of super mario bros. Z and if you care about grammar there are some typos. other than that it has good animation, nice and flowing fights, not to slow and an ok story line.

Competently made.

As some people have pointed out, though, it is very similar to Super mario bros Z. But since it's only the first episode I'm not gonna dock you points. Just try to make it more original in future episodes. There are also two other things you should work on. First, the bowser sprites were pretty dull. It's pretty much just a recolor. Next time at least edit the sprites to make it look like he transformed. Second, there were some parts during the fights where the sound was out of sync and sometimes there was too much time between the attacks. Animation was very fluid though, good job. In any case, good luck on the next episode.

this is like smbz