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Reviews for "How to pray in Atheism"

Ok, here's my opinion.

While I believe most of your sentiments are true, I would like to state the fact that I do believe there is a Higher Power. Whether It's name be Allah, God, or any other term. But that does not mean I go around killing people, or follow a Religion. Almost all of your statements regarding war and religion(except Hitler, that was a different shitbag all together) I do believe you are pushing just a little too much. Those who believe in a Supreme Being are not necessarily morons, or idiots. If it is our choice to believe, it is our choice to believe. It has been in my experience over my 17 years on this planet, that most Atheists are Jaded and have something against someone. Or something horrible was done to them, so that they feel there is no Supreme Being. Because that Supreme Being did not help them in their time or need, or maybe it was implanted into your heads. I don't know, but all I know is that to each his own. Religion can go to Hell.(if there is such a place, which I highly doubt) But that does not mean I renounce my faith into a Supreme Being, I am not trying to come across as preachy, I'm sorry if I am. But I must ask this question, and it is not asked in hate, or in sarcasm, just in wonder.

Do you fear death?

Again, not trying to pick a fight or anything, just a solid question. Knowing that my best friend I've known my entire life does not believe in such a "Fable" as he likes to call it, in times of depression he has told me he fears death. I'm sorry if I am offending you, but, in all honesty, he has said he fears Death because he believes this is the only level of existence. And to believe in Atheism(I guess you could call it a religion lol) you cannot believe in anything but Science. Just wondering...

420 Kid

Atheists Unite

Ironic that religions whose commandments tell you not to kill allow wars to be waged in order to spread their religion. Ironic that religions that condemn materialism hold masses in huge, ornate, expensive buildings. Admit it - if you practice religion, it is only because that's what you were taught, and everyone else does. Guess what? All of you are scientifically wrong. Man was not created instantly, he evolved. Science proves that. There goes the Bible. In ancient times, people worshipped Zeus, who lived in the clouds, hurling down lightning. An odd similarity is that many young kids, if asked where heaven is, say that it's in the sky. Odd that the "tower of babble", which was trying to reach the sky was "cursed by God" so that it could not reach it. Well, we finally got there. And you know what? There's NOTHING.

James-Ball responds:


Only one of your movies that I enjoyed.

I gotta admit, even though I disliked veryone other one of your movies, I actually liked this one. Probably because I am an atheist myself. Being brought up catholic threw me straight into atheism. But you have to remember, not all wars are "holy wars" or religion based. But a lot of lives would have been saved without religions.

Good point

I like what I see here - and your reason is well taken for why you're doing this - anyways, here's hoping to see more good flashes from you!


yeah, you have a good point that without religion, a lot of wars would have never been fought. Atheism fuckin rulez!