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Reviews for "How to pray in Atheism"

Good point

I like what I see here - and your reason is well taken for why you're doing this - anyways, here's hoping to see more good flashes from you!

Good that you brought up this controversial topic

I knew that there would be alot of 0s and alot of 10s. I, kinda being in the middle, am agnostic: part aetheist, part christian. I do not know if god or any religion is true, throughout my life i will search for an answer. I cant positive there is a god, because i would have to be all knowing, such as a god. And that is also why i cant be sure there isnt a god also. But, span begone brought up some good points. He isnt say turn back the clock, lets get rid of religion, because without religion like most of you said it would be unlikely we would be talking right now. He is saying that let us put religion behind us, and face the facts, religion was only there because it was the only way to keep control, and explain the unexplained. Lots of things in the past have been explained just by "God". and as you know many of those things have been explained later today by science, and you all are positive of it. eventually all things today that we cant explain will be explained by science. You all that are blamming this because you are christian, have to be tolerant of other cultures and beliefs. But if you could just think what it would be like if today, people realized the crap they have been fighting about, and the world would be a whole lot more peaceful. Once again i cant be sure of any of this, i do partly believe there is life after death, probally not heaven, but i will know finally when i am dead myself.


well, it wasnt the best portal entry i have ever seen but it did make a very strong point and i feel that it was necessary to do so. it's about damn time someone said somethin to a whole hell of a lot of people that had any meaning to it what so ever. good job.

well put.....

All religion has done for my life is make enemies just cause my family is of a different religion, i'm an athiest, and i don't care if people are christian, jewish, hindu.ect.ect. All religion dose is make people crazy, can turn people into enimies for stupid ridiculous reasons, kill people and take away your individuality and sense of self. Religion repsents all the negative things in my life that we should all throw away and start advancing. Religion is a primative ritual that dosn't help ANYONE. No one can be "born again" and all that crap. Religion is just a huge more complicated version of a cult. I agree with you a hundred persent on this movie.


Firstly i just thought id point out that you spelt religion wrong in your last paragraph of this flash short. I like how you brought up a lot of facts that i believe back your side of the argument very well and in the end that is what flash is, a way to express your feelings to the masses. You could have added in some background music though, as it felt like it was missing something. I thought the highlight of your flash was your drawings of hitler and jesus, both of which were very well drawn. Overall an interesting flash.
