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Reviews for "How to pray in Atheism"

i agree that organized religion is crap

but not all religion, oragnized religion is just another way of people trying to find power, however saying that it is the cause of all those things is bullshit, if there was no religion osama bin laden would still be a violent person who would kill lots of people, israel would the nazis still would have found some group to use as a scape goat for their problems, and israel and palestein would still be fighting over land (hating each others religion is an affect of the fighting, not the cause) i hate movies like this because you make them without knowing all the facts, not theat your the only one, so many people do this, especailly about current day events, they blindly scream either about how bushis an idiot, or about how everyone is an idiot for not liking bush, ne way, dont try to make political or religous statements, you suk at it, and by the way if your talking about dead for the holocaust, its 6 million civilians, or 54 million dead in total (you said 16 million dead in the film)

Only one of your movies that I enjoyed.

I gotta admit, even though I disliked veryone other one of your movies, I actually liked this one. Probably because I am an atheist myself. Being brought up catholic threw me straight into atheism. But you have to remember, not all wars are "holy wars" or religion based. But a lot of lives would have been saved without religions.


First off I am also an Athiest, so I do agree with you in some ways. Religion has caused many deaths, thats true. However, humans cannot survive with out beleiving in a means of origin. Even we Athiests believe in evolution as a basis of origin. Athieism is also a relativley new idea, since it was banned by the more dominent religions in the past. Its going to take another 1000-2000 years to see what kind of havoc Athiesim will cause...

Could have been done SO much better

I'm not giving this a bad review because it's done by an athiest, I've giving it a bad review because it was boring.

The author obviously had a message to get across, however, it was shotty and shady at best. Getting people to go, "I think I know what you mean..." is not a way to get people to think.

The information passed off as "fact" in this movie is open to major counter points, but seeing as the author wants nothing more than to get those athiest, who cannot seem to use proper grammer when blamming those who believe in a higher being, it is pointless to mention them.

There is more faith in believing in full evolution and athiesm than is involved in believing in a god. Athiesm is one of the most egotistical forms of beliefs there is.


I am also an atheist... religion is so pointless and stupid. "Oh, let's believe in a god that doesn't even exist and praise the lord or else you go to hell, amen" it's so pathetic and stupid... why do people have religions? It is really pointless... I am glad you have made a movie thats speaks for us atheist, rock on dude.