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Reviews for "Xeno Tactic 2"

Well I thought it was fun.

Normally, I'm the kind of gamer who is terrible at defense games, but for some reason I did pretty well in Xeno Tactics 2. I beat the first level after about three or
so tries, in which I only lost because I was unfamiliar with the interface. (Which is very neat and organized compared to the first XT.) After you get the hang of which turret is better used for a certain situation, it's really not that hard.

The graphics don't seem to be as detailed as the first Xeno Tactic, however, this may just be my fault because I had recently bought a new LCD monitor, and everything looks a little different. The sound is great, however I thought that the bigger weapons having a more intense blast sound wouldn't hurt. The enemies were a little boring, to be honest. Typical spaceship-like robots and the eventual aerial unit. Sometimes the enemy will have a little bonus, like a regeneration, or a speed boost. These guys add an unfair spike in difficulty being most of the turrets turn a bit slow. Overall there isn't much variety when it comes to the enemies, but overall it works.

On the other hand, the turrets were pretty sweet. I especially liked the upgrade system, however I didn't like how there was a level limit. You could have a really juiced up turret with high power and range, but has a low speed, making it turn one degree every second. This is a bit annoying. Plus it kinda stinks that the turret's main priority is to shoot the first enemy in the line, and continue to fire upon that one unit until its out of range. It would be kinda nice if turrets fired at the enemies with the highest health first, then the lower ones.

Other than the few flaws that this game has, it's still a blast, and easily one of the more entertaining defense games of its kind.

I'll give you a 5, just because I like defense games.

Coming up short of the original...

I loved the first Xeno Tactics. Not enough to actually beat the final grueling level but enough to actually revisit it several times. This followup, sadly, comes short on many points.

The first is the three levels that are locked unless you play on some other site. I really hate that kind of promotion. At least here it was readily obvious that I had to play the game off Newgrounds. I hope Tom Fulp amends the rules so that if we can't promote outside sites in comments we can't promote outside sites in the flash people submit.

There seems to be a bug in selling air-to-air turrets? For some reason they won't disappear. Also I seem to be able to stack air-to-air turrets? At least the money is subtracted when I try to place a new turret on top of an existing turret.

The fact that there's a timer before you start the first wave and that some flying enemies cross in a completely unexpected manner just adds to the frustration and not the challenge.

Overall I'll be trying XT2 again but compared with the original it seems to REALLY fall short. In fact XT2 made me look back on my time with the ORIGINAL XT that much more charitably.


I'm afraid I have to add to the list of disappointed reviews.

As a total addict to XT1, (seriously, it's the only flash game I've ever played again and again) I was very surprised to see that you had completely changed the basic layout of the game.
The mazing was the most important part to the game as the challenge was in planning the best rout for the aliens to take to maximise damage, and I was very disappointed to see this was really cut back on.
I was also quite frustrated by the fact that the flying aliens could only be damaged by the sky lasers, and that they can spread out so much, meaning they are often out of range of the turrets unless you build a lot of them.

The only other major complaint is the difficulty; XT1 had a good gradient ranging from incredibly easy on the first level to insanely hard on the last, and as a veteran to the game (record on mission 6 is level 79 :D) I was slightly embarrassed that I couldn't even complete the very first mission on this one.

However, I was pleased to see that the ability to upgrade different aspects of turrets was introduced, this was my only problem with the first one and I'm glad you added this feature. However it's slightly annoying that a turret only has 10 upgrade points for you to share out between the different attributes, maybe each aspect should have 10 upgrades each, or at least give the option to downgrade different parts so you can re-distribute them later on.
And yeah, the graphics were quite a lot better this time too.

So finally, like everyone has been saying, please make a XT3 more or less the same as this one but with the mazing abilities of the first and you'll have a winner. Please read over the reviews for XT1 and 2 and make a note of the different aspects of both games people liked, and then combine them into a super-sequel that everyone will love.

Anyway, I'm off to play XT1 again. Seriously, that game is addictive, I'm playing it now more to get my fix than for the actual enjoyment. I just hope they don't make it a class A any time soon.

*your biggest Xeno fan, -EON*

what the fish!!! @_@.

This is too difficult! I only passed noob level after 6 tries =.=
And what the fish is wrong with wave 22?
That vehicle regenerates like.... mad, i had like 2 devastators, i cant even destroy it...

Not bad...

I liked the first one better cuz the enemies came from the same direction. I just had to think ahead a bit while playing this one. Is there gonna be a #3? If so I hope it surpasses the first 2.