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Reviews for "Xeno Tactic 2"


I hope the first one didn't suck this bad because then I would have to hit you for making a sequel.

This was ridiculous, creeps were way to strong, or alternativley the towers were far too suck.

yeah, just no.

Finally beat it all...

So in order to beat all the levels after noob, all you do at the start is build a devastator near the middleish and simply level up its power to maximum. If youre lucky, the tower will cooperate and you should be able to get it maxed out. After that, its just a matter of making a tiny maze and filling it with more devastators and freeze towers. Pretty much, the only towers you should ever find yourself building are devastators, freeze towers, and anti-air towers becuase almost all the other towers are simply a waste of money. I think that with some balancing of the towers, this could be a pretty good tower defence though.

;( makes me cry

I loved the first one it was so damn good and addicting spent countless hrs on it this one well lets put it that way I'm not going back to it there are so many things wrong with it even if you get the best turret in the game it still sucks graphic wise well i thought the first one was better as well game play wise again first one was waaaayyy better now i hope you will remake this one or make a 3rd part but please take what the ppl here have writen and make it more like the first one :) especialy with the turret placement system it needs work

to be honest it sucks

this is a horable down grade from xeno tactic 1 the graphics are worse the hole gameplay has chained(into worse) the building place of where u could place turrets on first 1 was better it had better graphics while it may have had less turrets it was better and the upgradeing system is bad to... u cant max out all the bars u can only up.. somthing 10 times even if u put it all on dmg the turret will still suck and take like 5 shots to kill somthing but on the first 1 it was nicer u just hit upgrade it dose it for u u get a lil bit of every thing max the turret out and that turret would own.. and the wall thing is stupid.. seeing as u can only build in squars not inbetween where 1 sq would be.. so u cant make a path like you could in xeno tactic 1 this is a major let down i loved the first 1 beat it twice, but this this is just a discrase for a secound 1 and a devistor turret should be freacking ownage maxed out.. not only last till like wave 10.. u have to spam the screen with small turrets to do any dmg with them aka the vulcan or w/e it is i mean u can max out 1 on dmg and well u need about 10 maxed to get very far.. and the map is just horable aswell no creativity in this 1.. its just a huge let down it needs more guns or more upgrade and being able to place blocks where u want.. not where u can...like in the first 1.. and the guns need to be stronger.. and more powerfull sound effects for larger guns its just not much of a game.. but well il give u a 4.. because its a secound 1 and the graphics are ok.. its just a let down fromw hat i expected from the first 1

its cinda gay

this has the good parts to deffense but the sounds were a bit gay i mean the mahian gun was repeted alover again so thats why it got a 7