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Reviews for "Oxygen"

Incredibly awesome

Great flash! Very unique in style. Graphics and style were superb as was the quality of the poem and the music.

Two things that could've been improved upon:

1) The photo footage was a bit distracting.

2) Some of the drawings were a slight messy in places, but overall the graphics were awesome, so don't worry about that.

Great job. I hope to see more from you. (ALso I watched "Fruit Discrimination" and that was hilarious!)


notorious responds:

Thanks for the good and helpful review!

Fruit Discrimination lmao

Woot for Apocolyptic Awesomeness! xD

That was so cool!
Graphics-9- The best part of the flash was that it incorporated so many mediums and temes into one movie. The film-like falshes in the beginning were incredible and really creative. I loved the film asspect the best. It added so much to it, as it was extremely believable that the seeting was actualy what you were describing in the poem. The flash art I found nothing wrong with, but the movement could have been more realistic (as in the soldiers)

Style-10- The poem was great. It layered the sort of insane touch with grief and lonleyness, with a core of someone who was once at peace. Someone who's life had been torn apart by something he himslef didn't really understand (I hope I got it right!). The plot was extremely original, like nothing else I've ever seen. I love differnent peoples interpretations of the worlds end, and this sort of had a sad irony in it that I've never seen before. Like in the bible (I'm not a spirtual person but I still know this line) it sorta goes "and as from dust we came it is dust that we be when we die" (damn I butchered that). Sort of with oxygen. What we rely on will inevitably become or undoing. Well, air, not oxygen, but you get my point.

Sound-9- I love the music for this. I've heard it in one other flash, Triachnid (sp) and I would love it if you tell me where you got it. It wasn't exactly perfect for the flash, but great all the same. It symbolizes to me a sort of never ending sadness, with and unreachable light at the end of the tunnel; so dissonant.

(I didn't think the others really had any thing to do with the flash)

Overall-9- This was a great piece and I enjoyed it a lot. I really need to look into if you've done anything else cause your obviously taking flash as an art form to a new level. One last question... how'd ya do on the film thing? You'd better have won

-Black Rose

notorious responds:

awesome thanks for the good review!! The music i went to gomusic.ru for and looked up Tin Hat Trio, and with the film i used a little camera and took some film, hooked it up to my comp, and did 'import video' in flash 8 and edited it there. For film fest i won best editing. I was the only freshman to win anything!! hooray!!


very good

im not a fan of these kinds of storys

but it was good

notorious responds:

thank ya

Neat, but....

Overall good work, I like your style. Only one problem. You really need a good editor. Everything was spelled correctly but over and over again you had words reversed because it sounded artistic, not because it actually added anything to your work. For instance, "I ceased my existence." Not a good sentence, unimpressive. Other than that though, I dig it.

notorious responds:

I CEASE my existence. Your review needs an editor. Lmao.

Thanks for the good and helpful review!

It didn't quite speak to me...

the only thing stopping your from a 10 is my personal preference. it was artsy as fuck, VERY GOOD flash, and music was great, just i don't really know...i can't put my finger on it.

oh well, lest it's worth a 9. that's nothing to sneeze at