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Reviews for "Mobile Weapon Zero"

Standard Flash RPG

This game has all of the elements one would expect from a Flash RPG. Pilot a character through a small virtual world, fighting against random enemies that thrust you into turn-based combat as you walk, these enemies becoming progressively more difficult the closer you get to the enemy base and the final boss. There are dozens of submissions like this, if not more, all built on the same premise.

In this particular RPG, you control an Anime-style, human-shaped mech robot who blows up enemy human and animal-shaped robots on a quest to save the world from these robots. Simple enough. Your robot uses fast and weak blade weapons, slow and powerful gun weapons, and progressively stronger armor to get the job done. Rather than "going up levels" as one does in other RPG games, this submission keeps it simple. Your robot grows stronger as you spend money on new and stronger equipment, and after each fight, you get a small amount added to your maximum health from "salvaging scraps" from your enemies.

The game was fun at first, but like all Flash RPGs, it becomes slow and monotonous fairly early in the game, requiring a player to destroy countless lookalike enemies (there are only five kinds of enemies throughout the entire game, the final boss included), simply to stockpile money and gain maximum health. The combat animation is fairly detailed, so battles progress slowly, making advancement toward some of the larger goals in the game a long and tedious affair. The graphics are good, but they get old after the 500th time you see your robot shoot something. The sound gets repetitive, too. Combat options are also fairly limited - you either fire you slow weapon, your fast and weak one, or run away. Thus, your strategic options are quite small in number, making it fairly difficult to screw up and lose without trying to do so.

It's a great pilot episode to a potential series of similar games, but I'm left wanting more options and faster gameplay.

TylerProjects responds:

Thanks! We'll try to make it more interesting, especially the combat. :)


I've played better and i've played worse, make the map bigger, i was walking around the desert by accident with what i started out with because everywhere is so close together. Make it so you can customize your mech aswell dude, then it'll be an 8 maybe, lots of potential though


This game was extremely repetitive and extremely easy. It was fun at first, but after fighting the same easy battles over and over again, it got pretty boring. The two boss fights were far to easy to be considered challenges.

ok then

This is an ok game, the citys though are terrible since there are only 2-4 buildings. What kind of idea is a sword that appears at midnight (when ur computer hits 0:00) I hated it since my comp. clock is broken and it only says its 5:12 so dont use anything like that ever again, the ranged weapons basically pwn and swords dont so only buy ranged weapons since swords are useless. WHO GIVES A DAMN IF RANGED WEAPONS TAKE LONGER TO CHARGE!!! anyway this is sub-par, ok, average, mediocre, and defianitly not a game to play over and over again.
Anyone who plays this again either is a nerd (geek, dork, w/e), has no life, is extremely bored or has no mind of their own, that or is an RPG aholic.

To short

Very nicely done game. It was far too short and not enough quests though. Good job over all.