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Reviews for "Mobile Weapon Zero"


Well, that's the main word I gotta say for this. It seems sorta like Pokemon for Armored Core 2 lovers.

I gotta say, if that's what the goal was, it worked.

Breakin' it down;
Graphics; 9/10.
Smooth, and pretty well done. Would've been sorta nice to have a option to turn the tiles view on and off, as they wouldl'a helped me out a bit.

Style; 9/10.
The combat system was well done (I like very much that it wasn't turn based), although it was a wee bit annoying that the enemy suits could never miss whereas you suit chose the most inoppurtune times to miss. The walking was a bit choppy, and it mayhaps may have been better to just make hard-tiles and have the movement set like that, but it works either way.

Sound; 5/10.
That music pissed me off so much, so fast.

Violence; 8/10.
The explosions and effects need a bit of work, as they seem half-assed (The dude vanishes and a fireball takes his place. Oh, look, my gun is shooting paper in a graphically amazing game!) In other words, they didn't match up with the graphics.

Interactivity; 7/10.
Honestly, there wasn't near enough space to explore. The oasis seemed useless, as you could have just as easily made Stormfort come earlier. In addition the wilderness areas seemed a bit to small, and the fact that you couldn't enter a building and a town and actually walk around inside was...eh.

Humor; 0/10.
No humor here, although these suits are pretty cute.

Overall; 7/10
(Summary); You need to do something about the weapons. Other then a small amount of them (Although the high prices over at Stormfort justify that), the attack animations never change, and honestly, there is no point in the game to want, or have, to upgrade the blade weapon. It's useless compared to the ranged weapon, as even with the occasional misses and slower energy charge, the blade weapon doesn't output enough damage to match. The landscapes (I don't mean the general game this time around, I mean more the cities and etc) were a bit small, and plopping down a few misolaneious (Screw the spelling) buildings would've been nice to give an effect of a down, rather then a outpost in the middle of no where.

Now, that all said and said, it was a good game. But I still hated that fricken music.


The combat system is simple yet enjoyable. The movement, I find, is a little weird, but it doesn't upset the gameplay. The music is nothing special, and the graphics are nice.


i dont think this was one of your best games. but it was ok i guess one of my favorite games that u made was newgrounds vs sprites

TylerProjects responds:

Hmm.. I didnt make newgrounds vs sprites..... ?.?

A decent attempt at an RPG

The game is okay, but there is one thing nobody on this site seems to understand: STRATEGY does not consist of having TWO buttons to click instead of one.

There is no reason to even include two different attacks; there's no advantage to either one. Just choose a weapon type and click that button until the enemy dies. The game literally may as well just pop up a window that says "You killed X unit!" or "Oh, you died in battle," because that's how much difference what you do makes.

This was an okay attempt, though. At least everything that was there worked. Just think about adding some gameplay to the next one.


Tbh, this one one of the few games I have rated badly, basically anything in this game can kill you in 3 shots....I mean come on... Also even training from the start for like 10 battles was slow, and still didnt even give me enough exp to kill stuff in that desert. And the on time I kill something in the desert, it kills me once its dead, which is stuffed :|
My opinion was it would be a good start to a game, but needs a lot of improvement.
Its also a good theme.