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Reviews for "LR: Prelude"


this was interesting...

she doesn't know how to read the simplest map in the world...but she knows how not to get jumped?

A couple of things:
1.) She got pummled by the guy and there was some animations that showed blood. But when it came to her face, there was no blood at all.
2.) What was the reason she was carrying the sword? There was no indication of where she was going, what she was doing, or why she's in the alley.
3.) The animations were good, and you had some good lip syncing. But why was the girl's mouth over to the side?

this movie's ok, but you really could have done better.

GREAT animation

HORRIBLE voiceacting. i hate the voice of that girl, she sounds stupid as shit. that was probobly the intention, but i just dont like it. if she was cooler, that would have fit the atmosphere better. plus, that guy beat the shit out of her and she didnt get one bruise?


You can put your skills to better use. The way you did the fight scnenes was spectacular. However, ninja-bitch just doesn't have much appeal. To anyone with something on their mind besides boobs, anyway.


Sorry, after the guy slapped the girl, I stopped watching. I can't watch that kinda stuff comfortably. You have a nice style though. You use gradients, but you don't over use them.


this is gd

but yea the smile when she is killing looks crap and was this supposed to be completely stolen frm kill bill?

the lip thing, the sword, cmon get your own ideas slyle down 4 tht