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Reviews for "Persia Destroyed"


that was okay,but i liked the music.

PersianPower responds:

Oh, well thanks my freind.


I don't see why you made this, what is the point? I don't know if it was your intention, but it looks really hateful towards Islamics. That's why I gave you a 1 for style.

As metalhead, I obviously didn't like the music. The graph's were lame, but that is to be expected in this kind of flash. Violence doesn't really matter, nor does humor
A big error in this flash is that there is no interactivity.. just create a continue button or something, fast reading doesn't work really comfortable.

One last thing, the Roman Catholics didn't start the Crusades, the Islamics did. Makes me wonder if you got the rest of your facts in this flash clear...

PersianPower responds:

They did start the Crusades. I am not being hateful. It was a school project.

Extreme historical inaccuracies

Where are your citations? Do you have any kind of historical evidence to defend your claims? (just name some books) Do you know anything about the 7th century at all? 649 AD is just 17 years after Muhammad's death. Conversion occurred very slowly outside the Arab empire. By 636 the Sassanid empire (the Persian empire that I think you're talking about) completely collapsed not because of hostile Islamic armies but because of internal strife. In fact, during this time many huge empires in the Middle East are collapsing; the Byzantine empire (the eastern Roman Empire) also had a lot of internal unrest that leads to the eventual collapse of that empire as well. My point: there is absolutely no evidence during this era that there was any kind of forced mass conversion (especially through armies). Just research Richard Bulliet from Columbia University to arrive at this conclusion. In this period of internal strife, many Muslims were able to get into places of power because they promised stability. When Muslim leaders were in power, probably less than 10% of the population they were leading was Muslim as well. It took about 150 years for conversions to occur. It's only until about 1000 AD where you get decisive change and majority populations become Muslim.

Again, to re-stress my point, the mass conversions you're talking about didn't happen. There was no forced conversion, and no conversion by the sword. Those are the facts.

PersianPower responds:

Yes there was I hate to tell you. I have many books. My ancestors had this happen to them, its true. Look it up buddy.


nope didnt like it....
i liked the music though
did you ever think of not making movies.....
and making a sound board?

Almost everything was a lie.

As a Persian, and a major in Eurasian History, I have to say, the person who made this video honestly has no idea what they are talking about.

The truth is, is that the Islamics had made a crusade going on at the time, just like the Christians did. Why is it that you don't see other nations complaining about the Christian crusades?

Secondly, THE ARABIC GENE, DID NOT MIX WITH THE PERSIAN. THIS IS A LIE. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a race, or gene to mix in with another this fast. And Islam had came about around 1400 A.D, not 600 B.C.

Third: A lot of the Persians had converted into Islam, and were not forced. It is true that the Arabs did kill many, and did burn a lot of our books, but they certainly did not FORCE EVERYTHING.

Fourth: No such thing as Yezdi. The tombs they were showing were the tombs of Darius and Xerxes, and Artaxerxes. The last kind was Yazdgird III before the Safavids came.

Fifth: Yazdgird's own daughter converted into islam and married Imam Ali.

Sixth: Iranians brought up their own kind of Islam, with many similarities to Persian culture, it is called Shia'ism.

Seventh: There are over 40 million pure Persians living in the world. In Iran, India, USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, France, and parts of Africa.

Eighth: There is no section of Islam that states women are inferior to men.

Ninth: The word Islam means Peace in Arabic. Islam is a religion of Peace. Just because some people did bad thing, over 1000 years ago, does not make the religion bad. Christians had killed more.

Tenth: Parsis living in India, are no different than the 51% of Iranians in Iran.

Eleventh: This video was most likely made by a 12 year old kid, that THINKS he knows about Persian history, but honestly knows NOTHING.