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Reviews for "Halo Shorts #1"

Thrown together.

usually, when making shorts (ESPESSIALLY when only on one topic), you would put them all together in a menu-driven collection (i would know, im making one right now).
this cartoon is very short (as implied in the title), but when a movie is short, that usually means you have lots of time to do not alot, but i can tell you did not so much, in very little time, due to bad graphics and several typos, and bad sound (could you at least have taken sound from the game?). Too thrown together. A 1...out of 5.


put more effort...


did I mention BORING

N-FLASH responds:

drop dead


First of all you need better grammer. This is the first of a series of halo (2) short flash cartoons. Their not meant to make ne scence but that's how I work. !?!?!? Man I could hardly read it and at first I thought it said science!!? Soz this is not good. And the voice has got to be way better for Master Chief!

Overall: 1
Pile of trash.


What do you want me to say? That was good?