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Newgrounds Police Dept.

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Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2009-12-31 18:24:08

Damn crappy internet won't stay connected for long enough for a proper post here, so I'll have to shorten it:

That is, as well as the rest of the forums, and as soon as you get your accounts validated. I'm sure Tails / Spiffy will explain why I'm whoring that link out (I hope either of you don't mind this, BTW. just tell me to shut up if you do :P) when they have the time.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 12:33:15

Happy New Year to everybody, hope the new decade brings us what we want and need. It's weird though, seeing those /10 signs on the end of every post. Doesn't feel like 2010 just yet. Heh, guess we have to let the hangover pass, amiright?

I kid, I kid...

Oh, and anyone know when episode 6 will be out? >.>

I'm a mod!/ Sign up for the NGPD, To Blam and Protect. Post in the thread if you want to join, all new recruits are welcome! :)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 17:00:48

Happy new year officers. Glad to see everyone is back in buisness

[Report Rule-Breaking Portal Submissions] - [Game & Movie Portal Moderator]

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 17:30:51

I'm a tad late, but Happy New Years everyone! Anyone got any resolutions to share? For me, trying not to fail any classes would be a good place to start :P

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 17:36:33

Happy New Year's. Hopefully 2010 will be a great year for all of you.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 17:38:27

At 1/1/10 05:36 PM, mwmike wrote: Happy New Year's. Hopefully 2010 will be a great year for all of you.

Back from the dead, I presume?

I'm a mod!/ Sign up for the NGPD, To Blam and Protect. Post in the thread if you want to join, all new recruits are welcome! :)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 17:51:04

At 1/1/10 05:38 PM, Toiletpaper wrote: Back from the dead, I presume?

Not long-term, just visiting due to having absolutely fuck-all else to do. I might start coming on a bit more than I have been, although I'll probably fall back into my e-crypt and have trouble pushing the lid off again.

How's the department been since the mods got their shit in gear and unlocked it? Any big-events going on?

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 18:17:07

For the most part, activities have been rather slow the past couple of months. The holidays helped and all, and we even got some new apprentices, so I hope things will incline later on. All things considered though, I think we're doing fine and dandy!

btw glad to see you're not dead yet, mike :)

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 18:30:34

At 1/1/10 05:51 PM, mwmike wrote:
At 1/1/10 05:38 PM, Toiletpaper wrote: Back from the dead, I presume?
Not long-term, just visiting due to having absolutely fuck-all else to do. I might start coming on a bit more than I have been, although I'll probably fall back into my e-crypt and have trouble pushing the lid off again.

How's the department been since the mods got their shit in gear and unlocked it? Any big-events going on?

Mike! Good to see you around old friend. Happy New Year to you also!

We've been doing pretty good, things have been slow, but we just got two new apprentices this week, so hopefully that'll kick things back up a bit.

Nothing much else of interest, spam group activity has been pretty regular, nothing really rule breaking.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 18:47:10

At 1/1/10 06:17 PM, TailsPrower wrote: The holidays helped and all, and we even got some new apprentices

Great, a few new members to fill up our ranks as new members leave the force. :3

btw glad to see you're not dead yet, mike :)

Not quite yet, although it is on this year's agenda. :D

At 1/1/10 06:30 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: Mike! Good to see you around old friend. Happy New Year to you also!

How you doing Spiffy? Been a while since I've spoken to you.

We've been doing pretty good, things have been slow, but we just got two new apprentices this week, so hopefully that'll kick things back up a bit.

New members is always good. To the apprentices, I AM YOUR MASTER. Don't you young whippersnappers forget that. Oh, and welcome to the force. :3

Nothing much else of interest, spam group activity has been pretty regular, nothing really rule breaking.

A friend of mine who's ex-KK said that they've started up again, plus another member that I now half-know sent me a message about it. I've always been pretty partial to them though, they're nowhere near as annoying as Chris Beer. Talking of him, has he been back since the CP-AP incidents? Gawd, I was still Unit-Ops then.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 18:49:35

Holy shit Spiffy, checked the site and you're Unit-Ops now. Great to hear that, you've been deserving of the rank for months now. Much <3.


Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-01 19:45:02

Holy crap, mike came on! How've you been buddy?

My new years resolution (which is more of a goal) is to get a song recorded or sold. Yeah, it's a pretty big goal, but I think i might be able to do it. A friend of my dad's owns a recording studio place, and i might get something out of there. ^_^

Tails, you're going down on this weeks roster. I've been voting like hell every day. :D

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 01:03:24

Poo for you Kaizer! There's always gotta be one spooty head that has to stand in my way. My winter break's almost over and I've been focusing mostly on trying to get my school crap over and done with... and college junk to squeeze in between.


But once I evolve into a second semester senior, you better watch out!

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 12:39:01

I don't know, maybe I should win this little contest thingy by default. I mean, your sig does say you'll never level up, NEVER. :P

I'm a little worried about this submission;

Now, the game loading screen says it's from Playcrafter, but I don't know for sure if it's stolen. For now I just voted and passed on, but if you guys think it might be stolen..?

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 14:50:24

Any chance you can consider allowing me to join?

I've seen this group in the past, but never thought to try and join it. I've recently become Police Captain, so might not have too long before I end up in the Elite Guard Barracks. Still, I'm quite interested in joining this group.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 15:22:38

At 1/2/10 02:50 PM, GodsBitch wrote: Any chance you can consider allowing me to join?

Welcome to the NGPD!

I'm SpiffyMasta, the Unit-Ops of our crew, basically meaning I'm the right-hand man of our leader and Commissioner, TailsPrower. I strongly suggest, if you haven't already, that you read the first post of this thread, and also check out our official website and FAQ to figure out more about what the NGPD does.

With that out of the way, I see quickly that you meet all requirements for joining, you have a great post quality, and I think you'll make a fine addition to the force. I think this place qill be great for you if you wish to improve your whistle, which you will need to do before being able to join the Barracks!

I have no problems making you an apprentice as of today, and if you continue to be active and contribute in this thread for a week, you will become a full-fledged member of the force.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 15:37:14

At 1/2/10 03:22 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: Welcome to the NGPD!

Thank you.

I think this place qill be great for you if you wish to improve your whistle, which you will need to do before being able to join the Barracks!

Great. I've been burdened with this Garbage Whistle for what seems like forever.

I'm sure you'll see me around here often. Thanks again for letting me in.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 16:11:51

At 1/2/10 03:55 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Hello GodsBitch, I'm Lizzardis, the roster guy around here. I make sure that the roster comes out on time and that I record your stats as necessary. You're lucky because the roster comes out tomorrow, so you will get to see your name on there :D

Nice to meet you. Also, it does seem quite convenient that the roster comes out tomorrow. I'll be sure to take a look at it.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 17:01:54

I just took a look at the last roster. There's less people than I was expecting, which is good in some ways, as it makes for a tighter community I suppose.

I can't help but thinking I need to start working on trying to improve my whistle level now. I am rather ashamed by it.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 17:12:53

Hey Hey GodsBitch, welcome to apprenticeship. :)

A lot of times, we get late people coming in. By late, i mean practically ready to jump over to the EGB. Sometimes we get the guys and gals who don't want to leave so they just don't b/p. [Tails ;) ]. The EGB has quite a few more members. This is pretty much just a starting point. :)

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 17:27:10

Thanks for the advice Lizzardis. I've sent SaintCobra1 a PM and I'm also considering getting AIM, although I'm not too sure when or if I'll get around to doing this.

You've been a big help. Hopefully I'll have my whistle level boosted in no time.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 17:40:30

Welcome on board...um, I'm just gonna call you GB kay? Right well good to have so many new faces around here.( these old fags are boring the hell out of me. ;3) I hope you remain active through out your duty and remain loyal to the force. I my self need to get more active around here but I have semester exams in 2 weeks! so lets hope I survive that first.

Even as I walk through the shadow of the Valley of Death, I shall fear no Evil. Semper Fidelis

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 17:49:42

At 1/2/10 05:40 PM, HollowedPumkinz wrote: Welcome on board...um, I'm just gonna call you GB kay?

Thanks, and feel free to call me by that name.

Right well good to have so many new faces around here.( these old fags are boring the hell out of me. ;3)

Well, everyone seems decent enough so far.

I hope you remain active through out your duty and remain loyal to the force. I my self need to get more active around here but I have semester exams in 2 weeks! so lets hope I survive that first.

I'm pretty sure you will see me around quite often, seeing as I visit Newgrounds daily. I don't have any exams coming up any time soon myself, but the second semester of university starts next Monday for me.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 18:32:56

At 1/1/10 07:28 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Hey there Mike! Glad to see you again my friend. How are you keeping? Good I hope?

Everything's good with me. If I ever am, this is probably the time that I'll think about returning to the BBS. Perhaps soon I'll enlist back into the force. Probably not though. :3

It would be nice to see a face like yours around here more often. Happy new year's to you as well though buddy. I hope it's a good one for you too ;)

Happy New Year's. Hope you have a great year.

So? Haha. That's not a problem is it? Well it shouldn't be! In this e-crypt of yours, you have.... Me.... Tails... And a few others to keep you company.

Sharing a crypt? That sounds fun, albeit quite cramped.

You don't have to go through it alone. We have food, and water to last us months. Of course as well, we have a generator to get electricity and internet ;)

A generator too? That really would be cramped.

Well apart from Spiff becoming Unit-Ops, as you have already found out.... I have received the rank of NGPD / EGB liaison so that's a good thing.... And... Well apart from that, that's it really. Just protecting the portal as always and doing our bit.

Two well-deserved promotions. Congrats to the both of you, you've both deserved them for a long time.

Oh, and you may be pleased to know that I do both rosters for the EGB and the NGPD now. Haha.

Both? :D You must be pretty organized for that. It killed me just creating short-term rosters for the NGPD towards when Insanity first resigned. Good work.

So yeah... Don't stay away for TOO long Mike! You have to join the fun and become one with us again!

Hopefully I will soon. <3

At 1/1/10 07:45 PM, Kaizerwolf wrote: Holy crap, mike came on! How've you been buddy?

Great. Dreading the end of the holidays though.

My new years resolution (which is more of a goal) is to get a song recorded or sold. Yeah, it's a pretty big goal, but I think i might be able to do it. A friend of my dad's owns a recording studio place, and i might get something out of there. ^_^

I wish the best of luck in getting this done. Hopefully if you've got the drive, you should be able to go the rest of the way. :D

At 1/2/10 03:22 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: Welcome to the NGPD!

Nice, a new member. Welcome, I'm one of the ones that pops in every third month during a massive nostalgiarush and then multiquotes every single thing that happens in the day following.

Anyways, I'll probably be on for a bit tomorrow, perhaps not. If it seems to me that I'll probably be able to keep coming back, I'll reenlist. <3

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 18:42:13

At 1/2/10 05:01 PM, GodsBitch wrote: I just took a look at the last roster. There's less people than I was expecting, which is good in some ways, as it makes for a tighter community I suppose.

First of all, welcome! Second, there is a plethora of old members that have ranked out of this fine establishment. I am the second longest tenured active member here and it's great that someone else has decided to become a part of the family.

I can't help but thinking I need to start working on trying to improve my whistle level now. I am rather ashamed by it.

Don't be. With the whistle system the way it is, there are oodles of members that have less than stellar whistles, especially since Rage's thread was locked. I'm sure you'll have no problem getting up to at least Normal before your time here expires.

You can't spell FÜHRER without Ü

"You know you fail in life when you fail to end your failure"

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 18:51:48

Thanks for the welcome Mike and Neon. I've hardly been here long at all and I've already met a good few people. Hopefully I'll get to know you all better during my time here and maybe even make a few new good friends.

I've had a pretty warm welcome. So thanks, all of you.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 19:50:02

Hey GodsBitch, got room for one more? As Spiffy and everyone else pointed out by now, I'm Tails, head of the NGPD and I'm pleased to see that you've decided to join our fine establishment! I'm pretty sure I've seen your name around Generals a few times, so it's good that we could get properly introduced :)

Also, don't worry about your rank. Even if you do rank out shortly, you'll always be welcome here as if you were still a member! I also see that you're hopeful of improving your whistle and I guarantee that the NGPD will provide you with many opportunities to do so. Although we don't allow abusive reviews, abusive flashes are often presented here for our inspection.

If you have any questions or uncertainties about our recruitment process (namely the apprenticeship), rules, etc., I strongly encourage you to check out our FAQ page. Otherwise, feel free to send a PM to either me or Spiffy and we'll gladly help you out! I think everyone else did one hell of a job getting you started around here, so I'll consider you fully briefed. Lastly...

Glad to have you on board, GodsBitch! The NGPD experience awaits you ;)


Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-02 22:43:16

At 1/2/10 06:46 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Thanks Mike. That means a lot. I'm glad that Spiff got the place after long last. He does seem like a good member. However, I was a bit reluctant at first to look upon him as 2nd in command because of the.... As you would say "Scuffs" me and Spiff have had in the past, but I've seen him as a leader now, and I know he will do just fine :D

It's ok lizz, ever since you finally swallowed my load, I've been more keen to letting you be around. Plus, I have the bigger penis, so that was settled quickly.

Ahh, it was hard at first, but because of the time difference (The NGPD roster coming out weekly and the EGB roster monthly) it's easy to get around. Plus I like the hard work... Haha.

He does like it hard.

It takes a certain kind of man to make rosters, but I think you get a certain feeling of accomplishment out of it. My first top medal points user list took me a while to complete, but it was nice to have everyone look at your work.

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-03 09:18:17

At 1/2/10 07:50 PM, TailsPrower wrote: Glad to have you on board, GodsBitch! The NGPD experience awaits you ;)


Thank you very much sir. I've took time to read over you're rules and FAQ. I shall do my best to never break them.


At 1/3/10 08:09 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Welcome one, welcome all to the first NGPD roster of a brand new decade!

It's nice to see my name on the roster for the first time.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Police Dept. 2010-01-03 10:54:15

At 1/3/10 08:09 AM, Lizzardis wrote: Sunday 3rd January 2010
Top 5 Gainers:
1. Kaizerwolf - 38
2. TailsPrower - 22
3. Sectus - 18
4. Figter - 16
5. NeonFlame126 - 9

Hah Tails, I told you I would! :D

Welcome to all the apprentices, if I haven't said already. It's good to see more people joining up. :)
