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My friends hate me. I know why.

6,293 Views | 108 Replies

My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:19:14

If you have/had friends, that suddenly stopped being your friend. Please, read on, we have somthing in common. If not, skip to the end.

First, let me describe my former friends. Joe, is a large french guy, who is obsessed with the Insane Clown Posse. More than me, actually. He's a smart guy, but folds under peer pressure easily. he just turned 20 about 3 months ago, and he drinks like a fish, constantly. We have a lot of video footage of him trashed and falling out of windows (i'll explain later). Joel, is the opposite. He's a scrawny little guy, who smokes more cigarettes than Dennis Leary. He's developed several health problems, physical/mental, and he plays it cool, but he knows that there's somthing seriously wrong with him. He has the uncanny ability to get into horrible relationships with messed up girls. And me, i'm the shy guy who gets us into. and out of trouble often. If you've ever listened to the Dane Cook CD, "I'm the guy nobody likes." Usually, when somthing bad happens, it's my fault. And then i fix it (again, i'll explain later)

Ok, so we all met in high school, and we started hanging out around 5 years ago. For the past 4 years, we all went to "The Gathering", which is an ICP concert/camping trip, in Ohio. We would hang out, crash at each others houses, normal friend stuff. But as we got older, things changed.

In 2003, i dropped out of high school, and got my GED. (Which technically constitutes me as a high school graduate). That really pissed my friends off, that i graduated before them. Then, i started going to college, NYIM. Neither of my friends have gone / have no ambition to go. Again, that pissed them off big time. for years, it was the typical, "Our friend is successful, let's bring him down."

This past year, 2007, i have not spoken to either one of them since August. Until i got a phone call from Joel's younger brother, Justin, looking for one of his CD's. I asked him Joe and Joel were doing, and what they were doing this weekend." His response was this.

"Oh dude, they fucking hate you. Ever since the last concert man, they want to tear you to shreads."

I wasn't suprised, i knew i kinda fucked up the trip a little. But as always, i fixed my mistakes, and no harm done. But then he told me why, and i was actually humored, but a little hurt by what he said.

Over the years of hanging out, i was the middle guy. Joe was smart, Joel was cool, and i was a little both. I never noticed this before until Justin told me, but whenever we did somthing, I bested them most of the time. None to brag, i don't like bragging, but it's interesting now that i look back and remember.

Joe and Joel had no girlfriends. I dated the head cheerleader of our school. ( -1 friend point)
I graduated from school early (-2 friend points)
I graduated from college (-3 friend points)
I'm 21, and i refuse to buy them alcohol (-1,000,000 friend points)

That was the big thing, i was old enough to drink, and i didn't drink. At all.

Anyway, back to what Justin was saying. He said, this past concert trip really tipped the scale of friendship, to "Not friends anymore". I asked him why, and he said this: "When we all started going to the Gatherings, you always had a great time, and they didn't. Why? Simple, they were looking for drugs. I was looking for girls, parties, music, food, and more girls. I then realized, their main concern for going to these concerts, was to buy drugs. And, every year, they came back empty handed. Sad really...

So, he continued to tell me that, during the trip, i fucked up the directions a few times. No problem, i had my cell phone with internet access. Problem solved. I tried fixing the trunk to Joe's car, and the rear bumper fell off. I snapped it back on with bungee cord, no problem. It seemed as if, when i fucked up, my friends were mad. And when i fixed it, they were even madder. Madness!

Anyway, in conculsing to this story. Jusin ended with, "Look dude, you're a nice guy. Just, too nice for us." *Click* Then i finally understood. I was Mr. Nice Guy. The optimistic one who had the answers. The ability to do thing effortlessly, and without complain. Again, none to brag, but it was a bitter sweet realization. Other people think i'm a nice guy, which made me feel good. But being nice, made me lose my friends. It hurts, alot. But i'm moving on.

"With the progression of time, comes the progression of change. Embrace the new with open arms, and remember the old, as cherished memories."
- Elios

If you're going to post somthing like "OMG TOO LONG!", don't bother posting, i know it's long.

Do what now...?

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Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:21:30

Why do you call them friends?

XDeeZeroZero4Two-thousand six.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:23:37

At 2/14/08 01:21 AM, XD0042006 wrote: Why do you call them friends?

i was thinking the same thing... tell them to drop dead

DevourerJay~Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

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Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:23:54

Shit sucks, dude. You're in college, though. You'll find some people sooner or later.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:23:57

At 2/14/08 01:23 AM, TheRobinsonMap wrote: Because he's a fucking tard.

Damn right. After realizing how they treated me. I am a retard for hanging out with them.

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:28:02

Welcome to the rat race of humanity

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:28:54

At 2/14/08 01:26 AM, TheRobinsonMap wrote: Yup. And since ur such a tard, u will now give meh all ur munnyz thru paypalz.

Oh my god, that's an offer i can't refuse!

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:30:38

I've encountered similar situations. Highschool friends are tricky to hang on to, especially when you go off to college and they hang around at home. At one point, you guys had similar lifestyles, similar goals and similar pasts. But when you are that far removed from your commonality (high school) for that long, you begin to have less and less things in common. It's just natural for old friends to drift apart.

If I were you, I'd try to patch things up with them as much as possible - at least get back onto speaking terms with em. But I wouldn't hold out any hopes of rekindling any friendships. You should just try to prevent any further animosity from spreading.

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

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Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:32:31

I feel for you Elios.

Dancing Psyduck Dauntly Reaching ||||| Astolfo explores my colon with his Monster can. ||||| Praise be unto Satsuki-sama's ass. ||||| Anime tiddies

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:35:31

Thanks you guys. It's nice to see there are some intellegent life forms out there in the world. Even though you're all words on a screen, sometimes this place can be most welcoming.

Other times, not so much.

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:40:50

At 2/14/08 01:30 AM, Timmy wrote: It's just natural for old friends to drift apart.

Agreed. Even though I was the valedictorian by popular vote, after 2 years I only frequently talk to 3 of my high school friends. Moving 5 hours away in my case doesn't help, but it does show who really cares about you.

It was sad to begin with, but I'm sure you can testify that other friends that you start to make at this point in your life tend to work out better. It's not about location that defines who your friends are, it's common interests and similar likes/dislikes.

If I were you, I'd try to patch things up with them as much as possible - at least get back onto speaking terms with em. But I wouldn't hold out any hopes of rekindling any friendships. You should just try to prevent any further animosity from spreading.

Agreed. "Plant a seed of hate, and one day you might have an apple tree that starts poisoning people."

I think that was from some metaphorical poem. You get the gist of it... Holding a grudge, while harmless to start, could end up growing without your knowledge and turn into something ugly in the future.

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Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:50:10

better it ended now rather than 5 more years down the track , those guys are a bunch of losers , if they can't be happy fo you then they are not friends at all

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:52:42

Get new friends :P


Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:54:33

Dude, this actually make a lot of sense in my relationships to others as well..

Fuck em though bro, on the real, boys don't turn their backs on their friends and thats what they did to you.


BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:55:13

At 2/14/08 01:35 AM, Elios wrote: Thanks you guys. It's nice to see there are some intellegent life forms out there in the world. Even though you're all words on a screen, sometimes this place can be most welcoming.

its good to see someone actually trying to engage the users of the bbs (in this case its obviously Elios) instead of creating pointless threads that say "h0ly crap l00k at deez sheetz i picked up on teh interwebs." this is exactly what the bbs needs, and Elios is one of few people that does it consistently.

Dancing Psyduck Dauntly Reaching ||||| Astolfo explores my colon with his Monster can. ||||| Praise be unto Satsuki-sama's ass. ||||| Anime tiddies

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:55:18

At 2/14/08 01:40 AM, Warrickneff wrote: It was sad to begin with, but I'm sure you can testify that other friends that you start to make at this point in your life tend to work out better. It's not about location that defines who your friends are, it's common interests and similar likes/dislikes.

I agree. I'm about to graduate in the spring, and I feel like I'm definitely going to retain the friendships I have made while in college. Back in highschool, I didn't really feel this way - I sorta knew that we were all going to be stretched across the nation, all going to different colleges and jobs. It would be hard enough to keep in touch with one another, let alone keep our friendships what they were in highschool.

But now I feel that, even though my friends and I are going to different cities and nations for work and grad school, we can still remain close friends and will find ways to see each other here and there. The connections we have with one another are stronger than what we experienced back in highschool - which comes about naturally in college.

Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath.

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Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:56:41

ur friends not ur friend if they mad at u for having a gf, and going to college lmao ur friends suck

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:58:16

so basically....you're the one who gets through life riding the easiest lane, all the while fucking up others lives even more than they already are. I dunno...you sound like a douche.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 01:59:02

At 2/14/08 01:19 AM, Elios wrote: Anyway, in conculsing to this story. Jusin ended with, "Look dude, you're a nice guy. Just, too nice for us." *Click* Then i finally understood. I was Mr. Nice Guy. The optimistic one who had the answers. The ability to do thing effortlessly, and without complain. Again, none to brag, but it was a bitter sweet realization. Other people think i'm a nice guy, which made me feel good. But being nice, made me lose my friends. It hurts, alot. But i'm moving on.

You could be an asshat then your ex-friends will beg you to come back or you could just get better friends.

You are now breathing manually. You are now aware of your posture. You can now feel your clothes on your body. You now itch in various places.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:00:39

Too long.

I am really considering getting penis-reduction surgery. It keeps getting in the way ;_;

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:02:57

Nice ending quote, although I got confused with the story. Like some bits contridicted each other and it ended up sounding like you never make mistakes like your perfect, where as your friends have problems, although you like some things about them.

I'm not trying to be a smartass or piss you off, I'm just giving it to you straight so you know exactly what it sounds like.

I know its hard losing friends and you do like them, but (from what you said anyway) they dont sound like genuine friends.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:05:56

At least you got the best of them.

I got dropped from a group of friends over a car and they were people I had known since grade school. But that was the oh so unnecessary drama filled days of highschool.

Now it's the 'oh shit what the hell an I gonna do for the rest of my life' days of college.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:09:45

At 2/14/08 02:02 AM, ashman23 wrote: Nice ending quote, although I got confused with the story. Like some bits contridicted each other and it ended up sounding like you never make mistakes like your perfect, where as your friends have problems, although you like some things about them.

You're absolutly right. it does seem to contradict, but i do that alot myself. I always make mistakes, and i admit to them. And i fix them. I always try to keep an appearance of being the mr. perfect nice guy. Even though i'm not.

Also, one of my fond memories of Joe.

My friends hate me. I know why.

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:26:54

sounds like your friends are faggots..... who cares? obviously you are alot more smarter than them and they sound like typical, ohio failures. my dad is from ohio sounds kind of like the same situation, haha he told me about this one friend of his... hes in his late forties, and he still lives in his moms basement. some people just never change. fuck them make new friends that are like you

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:43:03

At 2/14/08 01:58 AM, Sawke wrote: so basically....you're the one who gets through life riding the easiest lane, all the while fucking up others lives even more than they already are. I dunno...you sound like a douche.

Easy lane? Lol. If i was in the easy lane, i'd be sitting on Joe's couch, smokin' weed every day. It was my choice to get out of my crappy high school. My choice to go to college. And my choice to know when to say no, and avoid peer pressure. I may sound like a snooty prick who's "Ooh yay perfect!". Far from it. I've fucked up, many times. It's when i choose to right my wrong, that makes the difference.

Do what now...?

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 02:57:35

I have the same problem, I'm too nice so everyone seems to hate me for it. People pick on me for being myself. Its the friggin losers that, want to feel important by putting you down. I hang out with mostly rude people, but I try not to get too far under the surface of their conversations considering some of the mindless and immature things they say in general.

If everyone thinks you are the devil... Why not play it up?

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-02-14 03:13:54

All through out my life, I've striven to find the best friends a person can have. I have very many friends; all of which I have tried to help or have given advice to. I would give advice and try to be as caring as possible.

I have about 10 friends that I've known since elementary school, and some since preschool. 2 of those friends I consider to be my best friends.

I think I've only lost one good friend, but once I realized my attempts at helping failed against the temptation of peer pressure, I never looked back as he slowly hurt himself. I tried for years to help him, but slowly he would rather get drunk every day and party all night than to do anything else. Our friendship didn't last long.

Sorry to hear about you Elios. So long as you know you did your best, that's all that matters.

BBS Signature

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-03-10 02:16:31

Same thing happened to me.

I had this friend who I shall dub "bob" no, not Newgrounds bob just bob.
He carpooled with me from school and to school, we shared a lot of fruitful conversations and stuff.
The following year, his mom quit her job at my mom's office ( She's the boss ).
After that he stopped carpooling with me and even called my mom "evil".
But then after that turn of events, I was granted many friends who were all better than him, a Wii and a PSP, not to mention me finding Newgrounds.

So basically, you win some you lose some.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-03-10 02:58:15

I think you should be happy. You sound like a pretty ethical guy, especially with the drinking part. Instead of beating yourself up over your accomplishments be happy for them and don't pay any attention to someone who thinks you're an asshole because of it.

Response to My friends hate me. I know why. 2008-03-10 03:10:07

Wow those guys just sound like they were using you. Did they seriously get all pissy because you wouldn't buy them booze?And who gets mad at someone for trying to help fix their car trunk? You even said a bungee cord fixed the bumper when it fell off. :) But anyway, fuck them. If they don't want to be your friend because you're too nice or because of why you went to Gatherings, (Not drugs) were they even really your friends in the first place?

Please disregard the above post.

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