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Stealing Awards - Final Warning

44,901 Views | 487 Replies

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:21:09

At 1/21/08 10:19 PM, WadeFulp wrote:

You say this in the rules don't you?

Seriously don't warn them. Delete their shit. Its' not like we have a scarce supply of users...

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:24:39

The guy who submitted the Flash still has these alts. I thought I was being nice by leaving them, but maybe I shouldn't? These are more or less his main accounts:


Shall I delete these too?

This guy has some nerve to bitch when he left a review for his own entry from one of his alts. Along with all his buddies leaving 3-10 reviews EACH with alts.

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:25:51

At 1/21/08 10:24 PM, WadeFulp wrote:

Shall I delete these too?

Zero-Tolerance policy?

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:25:58


that's my stance at least

I mean you guys go out of your way to give these people a website and they basically turn around and spit in your face.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:27:29

Looks like he also has:


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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:28:36

At 1/21/08 10:24 PM, WadeFulp wrote: This guy has some nerve to bitch when he left a review for his own entry from one of his alts. Along with all his buddies leaving 3-10 reviews EACH with alts.

Frankly, if they can't abide by the rules and need to pull this type of shit to win awards, they shouldn't be on NG.

BBS Signature

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:32:50

now it looks like i'm talking to myself.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:34:13

At 1/21/08 10:32 PM, bigbadron wrote: now it looks like i'm talking to myself.

None of us are really here.

The internet is just an expiriment designed to fuck with you.

Wade: Delete all of them you know you want to. DO IT. GIVE IN.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:38:55

At 1/21/08 10:24 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Shall I delete these too?

if he broke the rules and bitched about it, yeah

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:39:43

At 1/21/08 10:34 PM, JackPhantasm wrote: None of us are really here.

The internet is just an expiriment designed to fuck with you.

oh my god, my entire perception on what life is has been a lie up until now.

all i have left is Dio.


Stealing Awards - Final Warning

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:41:39

At 1/21/08 10:24 PM, WadeFulp wrote:
Shall I delete these too?

Holy shit, that's a lot.
Yeah, I don't even see why you would even need one alt, let alone over 9.
I mean, holy shit.

This guy has some nerve to bitch when he left a review for his own entry from one of his alts. Along with all his buddies leaving 3-10 reviews EACH with alts.

We can't have these morons trying to fuck over the honest users.


Why the fuck did I like these forums again


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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:42:21

lol, http://fleekinator.newgrounds.com/ i sence another loss for fleek

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:47:35

Please delete this user, I just told her to watch my movie, not review 10. I think that the sign-up date speaks for itself.

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 22:54:27

Quick questions now:
1. Is telling a group of people you know to vote 5 grounds for deletion if it happens that they vote 5 since it becomes massvoting?

2. Can people switch between reviewing/voting with alts as long as the person controlling the accounts doesn't use them all to review/vote on one submission?

More later?

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:13:16

At 1/21/08 10:54 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote: Quick questions now:
1. Is telling a group of people you know to vote 5 grounds for deletion if it happens that they vote 5 since it becomes massvoting?

Well, a lot of the more established NG groups do that, I think, and I don't see many Clock Crew or Star Syndicate or Lock Legion members up for deletion, so I don't know if it is, or if it is I don't know how Wade would enforce it. He may know almost everything that goes on here on Newgrounds, but how would he know what crews plan in secret, or especially what crew members plan amongst themselves in their real lives, or on AIM?

2. Can people switch between reviewing/voting with alts as long as the person controlling the accounts doesn't use them all to review/vote on one submission?

If treated like a sort of "split account" that he only votes once per individual submission once per day, or reviews only once per submission, then voting with alts really isn't against the rules. It's only when one man mass-votes and mass-reviews submissions with alternate accounts that he becomes material for deletion.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:16:12

Is this what happed to those guys in the Socom squad.
I did not like them.
Point stacking is not allowed in football, so why should it be allowed on the internet.

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:21:30

At 1/21/08 10:42 PM, WACKYANIMATION wrote: lol, http://fleekinator.newgrounds.com/ i sence another loss for fleek

Kill Him!

I usually frequent the VG and collaboration Forums. If you find me anywhere else, I'm lost and can't find my way back.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:26:51

I have a question for Wade.

How do you find all these alts? Is there a special way that only admins know of?

Do the mods find them and tell you (of course giving proof that they're alts)?

Have you had a long list of alts' names over the years and added to it until this day would come?

Just curious is all.

I usually frequent the VG and collaboration Forums. If you find me anywhere else, I'm lost and can't find my way back.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:33:14

I agree and support a zero-tolerance policy; Emphasize the rules, then enforce.

Newgrounds is capable of great things, and these assholes are holding us all back.

-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:33:33

At 1/21/08 11:26 PM, Gustavos wrote: I have a question for Wade.

How do you find all these alts? Is there a special way that only admins know of?

I'd also know, since I'm a board mod (NG Archive, specifically). We can check for the IP addresses for every user and if there is a match in IPs between two accounts, then one's the alt of another.

Top medal point users (updated Sundays) | Wi/Ht member #43

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-21 23:37:49

Should probably make my alts less conspicuous like Wade's Huge Penis or Fulp's Bicycle of Buttsex.

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 06:09:43

At 1/21/08 05:10 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Just today I removed probably close to 100 alt accounts that belonged to several individuals, and there are most likely many more alts waiting to be easily discovered.


Stealing Flash awards is about the lowest thing you can do on Newgrounds

Probably not...

Using alts on Newgrounds is a bad idea, especially if they are used maliciously, like avoiding bans (any kind of ban, review ban, forum ban, audio ban, portal ban), avoiding post limits, etc.

Avoiding post limits is abuse now? If somebody is running a collab in the Flash forum, they use their four posts per half hour in the thread quickly, and they need to get in to answer a question or something, they can't?

This is your final warning. So I don't want to hear any complaining if we need to take action against abusive users. Anyone who makes a stink or complains about users being deleted will also be terminated. There is no excuse for this type of abuse on Newgrounds, and there is no excuse for trying to complain about us taking action against it.

Because cover-ups are such a good idea.

wolf piss

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 06:25:26

At 1/21/08 05:13 PM, xPaRaDoXx wrote: This seriously scary, not that I do that. Any risk of my account being deleted makes me feel guilty.

Yeah, I think it's worrying too. But nevertheless, I think it is about time alts got cleaned up. I don't think anyone actually succeeded in alt'ing a movie to a prize, but if they did, it would simply be sad. Shame Newgrounds is full of arrogant pricks whose only vocabulary is "pwned" and "phail".

Don't eat yellow snow, Pepsi and coke are the same thing, etc. Visit my webpage! (go on)

Can I eat your brain? pleeeaaase?

You now have a duty in life!!! Clean up Newgrounds!!

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 06:42:08

At 1/21/08 05:11 PM, LickitySplit wrote: i agree wade.

Generic cocksucking spam post. With all the shit the mods ban for these days, why can't those be on the list?

At 1/21/08 05:12 PM, RockinPunk wrote: Definately agree, stealing is just wrong, especially virtual stealing.

Because having a little trophy icon on a flash is worth so much.

At 1/21/08 05:12 PM, Rideo wrote: It's good news to see the security of the portal being stepped up.

No, actually it isn't. This is the kind of shit that's killing the portal. If they drive away the spammers, who will be left except a few cocksuckers and a few idiots making whatever the noobs want to see?

At 1/21/08 05:12 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: It's great to hear Wade that these alts are getting what they deserve from now on!

What they deserve? Bullshit. Pure bullshit.

At 1/21/08 05:13 PM, xPaRaDoXx wrote: This seriously scary, not that I do that. Any risk of my account being deleted makes me feel guilty.

At this point, the only thing I would miss about my account if it got deleted would be the postcount. I can re-upload all of the flashes, and I can get accounts with earlier signups.

At 1/21/08 05:13 PM, mastermalpass wrote: Hey is this topic pinned? We don't want it getting pushed off the boards any time soon.

Because then people like me would never see it.

At 1/21/08 05:16 PM, Yiffy wrote: About time, good job!


At 1/21/08 05:16 PM, iateamexican wrote: Well, i guess its for the best.
I hope nobody important has their main account deleted D:

Important people will be deleted. It will happen.

At 1/21/08 05:16 PM, LickitySplit wrote: He just wants to cut the shit and get to the abusers.

And the "abusers" are basically everyone trying to do something good with this shitfest of sprite flashes, unfunny video game parodies, and ripoffs of ripoffs.

At 1/21/08 05:16 PM, NEVR wrote: Nice. People who use alts to steal awards are idiots anyway - they deserve to have their accounts deleted.

"Steal" awards? How can anyone "steal" something when it's being stolen from them? A spam-group Underdog will be better and more entertaining than a "honest" Underdog. I can guarantee that.

At 1/21/08 05:17 PM, JackPhantasm wrote: You know making this thread gives more people the idea, right?

You should just delete the main accounts and say nothing.

Which would fuck the site up even more.

At 1/21/08 05:17 PM, Bertn wrote: I lost the Under Dog of the Week once because of such a group! >:(

BAWWWWWW. I lost a shitload of awards to the Clock Crew, and I don't give a fuck.

At 1/21/08 05:18 PM, 0peth wrote: I don't think NG lets someone with the same I.P. address vote again with an alt, so whoever are doing what you mentioned are probably using a different I.P. How can you tell if someone is just at a different computer and the different person, or someone using the same computer with an I.P. proxy?

You can't, except if you run a Tor check. And if a Newgrounds user runs a Tor server (like I used to), that user is basically fucked.

At 1/21/08 05:18 PM, CuteAndFuzzy wrote: Whoa, looks like things are starting to get a bit locked down. I know there is usually a battle for the TOTW, I'll be sure to stay out of it.

Retreat and let the bad people win.

At 1/21/08 05:21 PM, BlueHippo wrote: ...and the hammer fell from the sky and smashed the balls of the spammers, and as the dust settled, peace could finally be seen once again :)

Peace? Where? HAHAHAHA.

At 1/21/08 05:22 PM, Ceti wrote: Why can't you just isp ban the main? I mean if you delete their main they can recreate it and won't care but isp ban is forever. My two cents anyway.

IP ban. Dynamic IPs and Tor make that basically worthless. K0RKZ got IP banned, but he's still around.

At 1/21/08 05:25 PM, CuteAndFuzzy wrote:
At 1/21/08 05:23 PM, Mad-Muppet wrote: This is a good action, but the spammers will always find a way.
Things aren't like how they used to be. Nobody wants their main account deleted.

And Newgrounds is becoming so commercialized that doing basically anything other than being a total noob is grounds for deletion.

At 1/21/08 05:30 PM, Ragnarokia wrote: Either way, what would happen if an admin accidentally thought that an account was an alt and deleted it, if it belonged to another user that was just similar?

Then they're fucked. Do you really think the admins give a shit? I doubt it. All they care about is the money in their pockets. I won't do anything to support Newgrounds because I don't support the commercialized shitfest it's turning into.

At 1/21/08 05:31 PM, Psi43 wrote: well I stopped that shit for now, for the year 2008. Will try to make some real stuff now. I tried that before but when I realized that my spam shit gets by far more reviews, a higher score (for a blank screen I mean what the fuck) and more views I started to do spam stuff. I wouldn't have an idea how you can fix that viewing stuff. People that work hard on their stuff and aren't good don't get noticed, yet, people who doesn't work hard on their stuff do. Kind of unfair.

Yeah... I can't be bothered to make a real movie when it will just pass with like a 2.95 and be completely fucking unrecognized when I could submit six shit movies a day and become a fucking legend.

About the award stealing stuff, I admit that I did it and I don't even really know why. It's just the internet but just because I don't really care it probably doesn't mean that the person I steal it from doesn't care either. If you want to, you can delete the 2 rcp's I won (or one or what it was, I can't remember). I wouldn't really care, it's just a small pixel picture not worth too much.

And mass exposure to the flash for a week.

By the way, a lot of people, actually ALL of the people I know would like to have that under judgment score for the submitter to see back. And the UJ reviews, for the submitter to see, too. I don't know why you removed that both but it surely won't help against mass voting.

Damn skippy. At least the reviews; if something in the flash doesn't work, how are people supposed to know until it's too late?

ps. thanks for deleting babychipmunk, god dam that guy was annoying.

Which just means he was a very effective troll.

At 1/21/08 05:34 PM, Whiplesh wrote: Well, I guess that Wade hasn't said much about alts lately (as far as I know), so people take them for granted and make alt accounts, thinking that it's harmless, but really, it isn't. It is good to see something being said by the big guy.

How the fuck is just registering an alt account harmful to Newgrounds?

At 1/21/08 05:36 PM, Shrums wrote: Those blasted theives! Always stealing awards from the people who make every piece of their movies from scratch! like Alvin-Earthworm and Andrew Raskin.


Oh wait...

About fucking time somebody said it.

By the way, I fucking hate Brackenwood, TANKMEN, spreite flashes, and shitty series things, and those are the only things that win RCP these days.

At 1/21/08 05:37 PM, KemCab wrote: The trick is to lay low.

Damn skippy. I've been able to pass off an alt as a real user before, and I can do it again easily.

At 1/21/08 05:39 PM, nazmdeh wrote: Best news yet- im fed up of watching these spamming alts roam around the BBS posting crap

And I'm tired of the idiotic brainwashed masses saying that everything that happens to Newgrounds is good.

At 1/21/08 05:41 PM, Aksumka wrote: Good going Wade! Glad to see some administrative action!

Fuck no.

At 1/21/08 05:44 PM, SergeantLuke wrote: Stealing Awards is evil,


and most guys with alt accounts are doing it for wrong reasons.

No, it's just the only fucking way to get any exposure for a movie.

At 1/21/08 05:51 PM, JackPhantasm wrote: You guys should figure out a way to make the portal spam proof. I bet you've tried that already tho...

It would never work. At least not while I'm around.

At 1/21/08 05:56 PM, SouthAsian wrote: It's necessary to stop the alts from corrupting the flash portal and other parts of te site.


wolf piss

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 07:02:11

At 1/21/08 05:58 PM, Kuro wrote: Still, I'm somewhat ashamed of that.

Don't be.

At 1/21/08 06:14 PM, Ecke wrote: Maybe they do it because actual shitty flashes get awards. Example.

Damn skippy.

At 1/21/08 06:15 PM, NewShape wrote: Stealing internet abstract awards is very serious shit guys

and very very low

you should all earn it the right way by submitting a 4chan hentai slideshow because this doesnt break the rules


At 1/21/08 06:38 PM, NewShape wrote: Back in 2004/05 on my old account when the portal was more popular before hundreds of retarded stat whores moved in submissions fetched up to 5000 views alone without the aid of anything.

The trolls arent the problem its afrostud and his minions of gay fiving everything containing 46x36 image.

Basically yeah. Just delete the fucking statwhores; that will solve the problem.

At 1/21/08 06:46 PM, ZombieArmy wrote: I like how everybody kisses wade's faggot ass when ever he makes a topic.

Yeah, it fucking pisses me off. Newgrounds is getting fucked over and nobody cares.

At 1/21/08 07:18 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I think it might be a good idea to only allow a single vote per account on a Flash during that Flash's award-eligibility period. Might lessen the multiple-zero'ing/mass-fifening wars for TOTW every week.

Let's fuck up the portal even more.

Spam groups are a part of Newgrounds. Just fucking accept it.

At 1/21/08 07:36 PM, Gustavos wrote: Yeah! Finally, way to go Wade! Passing of spam rate, goes down 60%. Crew Mass Related Voting is destroyed, for now. Keep your eyes open Wade, they'll keep making alts. They're the kind of people who don't take a hint.

HAHAHAHAHA. I really hope that's sarcasm.

At 1/21/08 07:47 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote: Though LordZeebmork can no longer steal 10, 11 different accounts and use them to spam, pass spam, and vote 0 once it's passed to steal Turd as he is known to do as Kberkag,

Don't bet on it.

No, this just takes out the most malicious of the spammers, like Zeebmork.

Hahaha, no. I can still mass vote, mass review, mass submit, and do all of that fun shit if I felt like it.

But I support this decision, since it means that if Zeebmork ever rebuilds his Kberkags, he will die with them!

Not really. I'm still in the Kitty Krew.

At 1/21/08 07:50 PM, CruzAzul-19 wrote: This is what some people who deserve this need to be punished. They don't deserve to have accounts if all they are going to do is give Newgrounds a bad name. This is a great idea, and I hope this leads to great things.

The admins fucking over the site, the mods fucking over the BBS, and the statwhores fucking over the Portal are what gives Newgrounds a bad name.

At 1/21/08 08:01 PM, FlameAlchemist wrote: Indeedles.
Now, we just need to blam the shit out of any KK, SS, 4chan, or any other crappy flash in the portal.


At 1/21/08 08:13 PM, Gustavos wrote: God Damnit! I wasn't thinking when I typed that. Oh well, hopefully Zeebmork will die with his alts when he creates more. As well as other people who try the same thing.

Probably not. I'll be more careful next time.

There's one thing I never understood though. How could he remember the passwords for all his alts. I'd have a hard time remembering thirty of them.


At 1/21/08 08:33 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote: (but gimmick alts soon get deleted)

Actually, no they don't. Remember Kehlenfick, WilliLatte, and WWWWWWWWWWWWW or whatever the fuck it was?

At 1/21/08 08:45 PM, bigbadron wrote:
At 1/21/08 08:41 PM, Fleekinator wrote: also don't go ape on me for posting here, my main was banned for no reason and i felt that i needed to say something
probably has something to do with you being a completely shitty user that has broken the rules countless times with countless alts.

Fleek > bigbadron

At 1/21/08 08:48 PM, rednec0 wrote: its about friggin' time, almost all the time shitty flashes are passed by the aforementioned means. one of the most notorious spammers are the kitty krew and on more than one occasion i see them vote their way so they're not blammed. i'm sure other crews/groups do this also so i would applaud for their banning from the site.

Actually, the Kitty Krew doesn't mass anything. I know; l I'm in the KK. The only flash I know of that was massed through was rainigul's Liru Hentai Game Preview, which passed with a 1.64 after being Tor massed by a few different people through its entire judgement period.

At 1/21/08 08:54 PM, TheyL1ve wrote: man wade you're a fucking idiot, it will only strengthen the resolve of those who had their accounts deleted to abuse the system. once you've lost your main you got nothing left to lose. wait till you see what we got planned for you ya fascist piece of shit.


At 1/21/08 08:58 PM, bigbadron wrote: all the more reason to just delete accounts outright, making every e-terrorism group basically fall away into obscurity.

It won't work.

At 1/21/08 09:09 PM, bigbadron wrote: oh yeah, it's the internet and you're on a privately owned site. i always forget that shit.

Well fuck, I guess I have to hire some code monkeys to write me a site. just like Tom did.

Oh, and your analogy is shit.

At 1/21/08 09:23 PM, SniperWolf1564 wrote: So, why is deleting a lot of spam flash and alt accounts causing a shit-storm of complaints?

Because Newgrounds is going down the shitter faster than greased diarrhea.

At 1/21/08 09:29 PM, SoulMaster71 wrote: I guess lot of us care about the quality of Flash movies in the Portal, and also care that awards go to the people who deserve them, not to some guy with 42 alts who mass-voted 0 and mass-reviewed 10 for Underdog.

Because things like TANKMEN and SMBZ totally deserve awards and are not total shit.


By the way, what if I spontaneously developed multiple personality disorder? Could I have one account for each personality?

wolf piss

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 07:07:56

Cool! I'm tired of those alts because of their cheating in voting

Life is good

"Difficult. Not impossible."


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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 07:11:41

I agree. But I dont know how you find out what are alts and what aren't. I suppose the ip address?

Stealing Awards is fucking stupid.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 07:11:51

At 1/22/08 06:25 AM, TamiyaGuy wrote:
Yeah, I think it's worrying too. But nevertheless, I think it is about time alts got cleaned up. I don't think anyone actually succeeded in alt'ing a movie to a prize, but if they did, it would simply be sad. Shame Newgrounds is full of arrogant pricks whose only vocabulary is "pwned" and "phail".

I don't know why these alts are kepping to spam and do nothing but a bullshit.

Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 07:27:01

At 1/22/08 07:02 AM, LordZeebmork wrote:
By the way, what if I spontaneously developed multiple personality disorder? Could I have one account for each personality?

When you try too hard to be cute, it quickly backfires; Don't push your luck.


-Formerly known as Phobotech-

Voice Actor / Pre-Production Animator / Illustrator / T-Shirt Designer / Author

"I sail through a golden nexus. By tanks with armor that glisten. I watch and I play with creations, and what I'm not reading, I listen." <-

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Response to Stealing Awards - Final Warning 2008-01-22 08:07:29

I do say that SplatterSocom was indeed innocent, it was too late for reprecutions, but you may want to check before you decided to delete his MAIN which you said you would spare.
Just some thoughts.