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++ As Wars 2007

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 09:31:51

I have decided to update my bot more! :D
Now it's starting to kick ass. I wanna see how long it survives against Defrag :) (when it's finished)

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 09:41:46

connect 4 would be so much more fun to create an AI for

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 09:42:20

At 1/6/07 09:41 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: connect 4 would be so much more fun to create an AI for

Or just noughts and crosses :P

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 09:42:29

At 1/6/07 08:44 AM, Toast wrote: I fully disagree with that, I let my bot take 'perefect' machine decisions rather than count on my human decisions, cause we all know humans make mistakes.

Humans make mistakes, but machines just sit there without human decision as input. ASre you saying you just programmed your bot to do what ever it likes? Or did you program it to do what you as a human think is the best decisio under each circumstance like the rest of us? Even programming it to fire at the enemy is a human decision. Sure it goes through calculations that we don't do as people when aiming at an enemy, but it's still your human decision which tells your bot to shoot at the enemy if you want to kill it.

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 09:49:02

At 1/6/07 09:41 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: connect 4 would be so much more fun to create an AI for

It would be fun to make, but no one would ever win. People only win when they don't notice that someone else has 3 connected. Computers don't tend to make mistakes like that.

Noughts and crosses would also result in a tie most times.

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 10:00:36

Nono, you don't understand. I am the machine. :P

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 10:04:36

At 1/6/07 09:49 AM, Cybex wrote:
At 1/6/07 09:41 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: connect 4 would be so much more fun to create an AI for
It would be fun to make, but no one would ever win. People only win when they don't notice that someone else has 3 connected. Computers don't tend to make mistakes like that.

Actually, games like that are often won by backing someone into a corner where they can't possibly stop you from winning. If a computer could predict that, then yeay, it would be impossible.

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 10:05:33

Another idea for AI battles:

In a way it would be similar to this although there would be two teams on opposite sides and only one bullet (ball in this case). I guess it could be that if the ball hits a ceretain area of the bot, it counts as a hit, but if it hits the other area it counts as a catch. Also, i've seen a version of dodgeball where if you get hit, you go stand on a bench the other side of the room and you have to throw the ball at the enemies, so you're closer.

I think that could be cool to program. There's only like 5 balls or whatever in the game, so deciding where to stand would be hard. Also, deciding when to try and catch the ball and when to dodge it would be interesting.

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 10:15:42

Haha, now I can with one function find out how many times in the last 15 frames someone has done a specific action! :D Great for finding campers etc. :)

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 10:24:30

At 1/6/07 10:05 AM, Cybex wrote: dodgeball

I really like the idea! :D Especially if everyone only made 1 bot, not a team, and the teams were made randomly. Also, the catching part could get hard, so I think you could do it like this:
If the ball hits someone while its moving, its a hit, but if it has stopped moving you can pick it up. And if it goes to the back of the room it automaically stops, or something like that ;)

Just an idea.

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 10:45:26

nonono. have it so each player can throw curveing balls n' such. that'll make it harder for people to catch.

also make it so that the palyer has to be perfectly facing the ball to catch it and have the players rotate slowly.

At first there was nothing, then it exploded. - Big bang

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:08:45

A little test of my 50% done bot vs Claxor.

http://denvish.net/ulf/1168099673_aswars2007. php

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:13:12

At 1/6/07 10:45 AM, Arby wrote: nonono. have it so each player can throw curveing balls n' such. that'll make it harder for people to catch.

But you could still instantly calculate where the ball will end up, and what speed it will have etc., as soon as it leaves the thowers hand.

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:20:13

Me VS. Glaiel

Though these bots might be updated, but I'm happy either way! :D
I really want Defrags bot ;), or I could send him mine. Please post, Defrag! :D

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:29:50

Claxor, can you post your new bot? I bet you can kill me now.

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:30:50

RE: Dodgeball
Ok, so after everyone's ideas on it how about this:

No catching, if it hits you when its moving you die (unless its thrown by someone on your team, then it can be assumed a pass). The ball slows down slightly as it goes through the air, and slows down quite a lot if it hits a wall, but so that if you throw a ball at the opposite wall, it will not bounce back all the way to your side.

I like the idea of balls curving, lets make a curvature variable as well that you can set from -1 to 1 (-1 curves left, 1 curves right). The ball moviesclip will move and not just stay in one place like jmtb's bullets.

There will be passing between players, so you have to make sure you don't dodge the ball when your teammate throws it.

And for the love of god, the moving won't be with vectors. I've had enough of converting magnitudes to x and y vectors. How about just an angle to move at and a speed?

Shotgun i'm not programming the base fla.

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:32:18

Oh, I meant to post these as well.
Me Vs. AB
Me Vs. Bezbot

Those are all the bots I have for now. If anyone wants to batlle, send me your bot :)

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:34:04

At 1/6/07 11:29 AM, Toast wrote: Claxor, can you post your new bot? I bet you can kill me now.

OK :) (I'm so giving)

Now you better fight me Defrag! ;)

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:37:45

At 1/6/07 11:32 AM, Claxor wrote: Me Vs. Bezbot

Lol, bezbots is a nice idea, but kinda pointless. No one really needs to or wants to get close to their enemies bot, so surrounding himself in mines it pretty useless. Also, i think it would be impossible for him to kill any bot because only 1 or 2 bullets can possibly hit the opponant every 5 or so seconds, in which time anyone could fully reheal from like 1 helath.

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:40:42

Zomg claxor, your bot is so much better now.

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:41:45

At 1/6/07 11:34 AM, Claxor wrote: OK :) (I'm so giving)

New claxor > new Cybex

I put up a good fight though. I reckon with a few minor accuracy ajustments i could beat you.

Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:50:18

Ahhhh! I just saved after control-Z-ing too much, tons of things are lost. can anyone decompile the thing I uploaded and send me?

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:50:38

At 1/6/07 11:41 AM, Cybex wrote: New claxor > new Cybex

Now try this
I fixed the corner bug-thing :)

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 11:55:45

At 1/6/07 11:37 AM, Cybex wrote:
At 1/6/07 11:32 AM, Claxor wrote: Me Vs. Bezbot
Lol, bezbots is a nice idea, but kinda pointless. No one really needs to or wants to get close to their enemies bot, so surrounding himself in mines it pretty useless.

Heh, I had an idea.

We should have a load of different bot awards at the end, for stuff like style, smoothness, sportsmanship (i.e. most extravagent victory dance), e.c.t. That'd make things a whole lot more interesting :P

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 12:14:00

At 1/6/07 11:55 AM, Paranoia wrote: Heh, I had an idea.

I like it :)
Should make atleast some bots more fun to watch, so that not everyone are booring stiff bots :D

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 12:21:14

Post your fla's so I could test mah bot please.


Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 12:22:53

At 1/6/07 12:21 PM, fwe wrote: Post your fla's so I could test mah bot please.

Check mine towards the bottom of the last page :D

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 12:23:17

At 1/6/07 12:21 PM, fwe wrote: Post your fla's so I could test mah bot please.

Post y0rz too.

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Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 12:33:52

At 1/6/07 12:23 PM, Toast wrote: Post y0rz too.

To tell you the truth I gave up on bullet finding and I just wanted to piss everyone off with this. Then I actually had to find bullets anyways. I call it the reflectro-bot

http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fwel p9.swf

Of course, it's not being accepted and I didn't want it to, just for kicks.


Response to ++ As Wars 2007 2007-01-06 12:36:30

At 1/6/07 12:33 PM, fwe wrote: http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fwel p9.swf

Do you notice how my bots never go on a mine? :D
Annoying as hell to code, and completely useless now :(

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