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My sexy action-packed bbs story

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Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:00:06

C) I'm pretty sure he's not doing anything to Natasha.

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:03:34

Natasha probably likes this, so yeah
let her do w/e the fuck she wants..
just leave

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:05:55

B! Plus he should change the song to Toxic and blow out the lights while he's at it.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:11:10

At 4/17/06 06:05 PM, BDB222 wrote: B! Plus he should change the song to Toxic and blow out the lights while he's at it.

Listen to this guy, that'd be the best signal ever.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:14:16

At 4/17/06 06:05 PM, BDB222 wrote: B! Plus he should change the song to Toxic and blow out the lights while he's at it.

Not a bad idea, I'll consider it.

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:16:06

At 4/17/06 06:14 PM, _Sisyphus_ wrote:
At 4/17/06 06:05 PM, BDB222 wrote: B! Plus he should change the song to Toxic and blow out the lights while he's at it.
Not a bad idea, I'll consider it.

i change mine to E
He should go rape Vance the midget

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:17:48

At 4/17/06 05:32 PM, _Sisyphus_ wrote: Yeah, but you may be forgetting that he left the PSP laser in his room.

Oh yeah, that's right. :S
I thought it would be funny to have a cauterized penis somewhere in the story.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:23:03

B...the hilarity ensues

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:28:29

At 4/17/06 05:21 PM, nannal wrote: A god damn hes just been in a fight hes not up for another (option b) and he doesnt want to be butt raped (c)

i see no one lisens to me well fine i will go sit in the corner


Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:35:08

Hmm, I'm in the mood for some fighting. So B.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:39:11


Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:46:56

C is the only right choice

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:53:25

C is the way to go. There might be some random sex if he walks away.

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Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 18:57:20

Adam knew he couldn't just leave Natasha there. And he also didn't have time to go get help. He would have to go it alone. He removed the goggles and slowly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. Adam watched in horror as Natasha's father slowly stripped his daughter of her panties and laid her flat on the bed. Adam decided right then and there that the man wasn't going to touch her, not while he was around. Adam creeped into the room and shut the door, so quietly that the man never noticed a thing. Franticly he looked all around the room for something to beat the man over the head with, and finally he spied a vase lying on the dresser. Adam got up slowly as the man tied Natasha's hands to the bed posts. He grabbed the vase as the man began stroking his penis. As a final touch, Adam put his earbuds back in and switched the song to Toxic. Natasha saw Adam and her eyes widened. The man turned around, just as the lights went out. Adam couldn't see anything, but he began swinging with the vase like a crazy person. Three times, Adam missed, but he finally heard a loud crack and the shatter of glass. The man fell over like a ton of bricks. Adam located the sound, and immediately hopped on top of the man, beating him senseless. Adam felt himself being thrown backwards against the wall as the man finally retaliated. Then the lights flicked back on. Adam stared up at the man. It was one of the elites from the meeting the previous night. And Adam was in for an ass-whooping. The man pulled his pants back up, ready to kill Adam.

But once again, help arrived in the nick of time. Not the masked man, not Krunk, but... Viper. Viper burst through the door, and he had a knife. Before the man had time to react, Viper sunk his knife through the man's left shoulderblade. He pulled it out, and stabbed the man clean through the heart. He pulled the knife in and out three times and finally slashed the man's throat. The man fell over dead, a crumpled mess on the floor. Adam stared astonishedly up at Viper. Viper mouthed a quick, "Thank me later," and ran out of the room. Adam pulled himself off the floor. This definitely didn't look good on his part.

Adam ran over and ripped the duct tape off Natasha's mouth. "Are you okay?" he asked desperately as he untied her hands. Natasha just nodded dumbly. "Did he touch you?" Adam asked, throwing Natasha's clothes to her. Natasha shook her head. Adam pulled her off her bed, half dressed, and ran with her out of the room. "Come on, we have to find Krunk!" Adam dragged Natasha in the direction he had seen Krunk go before. Adam kept going until he heard a voice that sounded like Krunk from behind a door. Adam told Natasha to sit as he strapped on his goggles and listened in with his ipod. It was indeed Krunk. "But, it ain't right... I can't kill tha boy. No matter how much you offer ta pay me. I'm loyal to tha militia," Krunk said. A cold voice replied, "You will kill him, or you will not leave this room alive." Adam cursed silently. Listening in on people wasn't working out so well for him today.

Does Adam...
A) Take Natasha and run like fuck, they might want Krunk to kill him
B) Listen some more, try to figure out what's going on exactly
C) Lock Natasha safely in his room and arm himself down at the gun course
D) Barge in and help Krunk

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:06:13

At 4/17/06 06:57 PM, _Sisyphus_ wrote:
A) Take Natasha and run like fuck, they might want Krunk to kill him
B) Listen some more, try to figure out what's going on exactly
C) Lock Natasha safely in his room and arm himself down at the gun course
D) Barge in and help Krunk

C, then run back in the nick of time, turn on toxic and use the goggles to see the other men (he can tell which is krunk, no penis) then D, all gunz ablazing!!!!! (just turned 14 years old, 6 inches m8 =p)

illicit makes a damn good signature.

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Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:07:02

D is the way to go.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:12:30

I want to make sweet, sweet love to your story.
D all the way

Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

-Ambrose Bierce

"This sig, is fucking cool."

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:13:37

D, because Viper will also come in and kick some ass.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:17:02

i wouldve made adam play natasha after tha fool was dead but hell...go with listening still,b ryte?

I've been Fab since the re-design,have you?


BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:17:35

Choose B, take his ass DOWN! I would reccommened using the PSP laser and burn his dick off! XD

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:17:49


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Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:19:14

At 4/17/06 05:39 PM, PirateKirby wrote:
At 4/17/06 05:32 PM, _Sisyphus_ wrote:
At 4/17/06 05:31 PM, Tweak_Dryerlint wrote: B) Take him down himself.

Adam has a laser that can melt steel.
Laser + Penis = ?
See where I'm going with this?
Yeah, but you may be forgetting that he left the PSP laser in his room.
BTW, what's Adam gonna do when that PSP runs out of juice? They only have a 3.5 hour battery life, so If he got innto some big problem and he didn't charge his PSP recently, He'd be screwed.

Unless that PSP has some ultra-1337 battery inside it... Then I'd steal it from him.

actually, the psp battery can last up to 6 hours instead of 3.5. it says that it will only last 3.5, but if you wait long enuf, it will say roughly around 6 hours if its fully charged

i vote c on the 6:57 post

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:20:32

I vote B.


Kunera-"But it was just a boner."

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:31:30

I think B sounds like a good idea.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:43:07

At 4/17/06 07:19 PM, _Biohazard_ wrote: actually, the psp battery can last up to 6 hours instead of 3.5. it says that it will only last 3.5, but if you wait long enuf, it will say roughly around 6 hours if its fully charged

6 hours is still pretty damn short. I'd prefer a nice 12 anyday with my good ole DS.

Anyway, I'll go with B on the recently posted chapter.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:49:37

At 4/17/06 07:32 PM, Tk-427 wrote:
just turned 14 years old, 6 inches m8 =p)

i thought 4.5 inches was average, and for just 14 years and not hit puberty, i think that's big.......(yea NOT hit puberty at 14!!!! im like 4ft 9!!!!!)

illicit makes a damn good signature.

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:52:19

I pick teh D.

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:55:04

At 4/17/06 07:49 PM, H_A_X_O_R_Z wrote:
At 4/17/06 07:32 PM, Tk-427 wrote:
just turned 14 years old, 6 inches m8 =p)
i thought 4.5 inches was average, and for just 14 years and not hit puberty, i think that's big.......(yea NOT hit puberty at 14!!!! im like 4ft 9!!!!!)

lol, i bet you did but didn't notice it, i know alot of short ppl all of which have past puberty

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 19:57:10

i thought 4.5 inches was average, and for just 14 years and not hit puberty, i think that's big.......(yea NOT hit puberty at 14!!!! im like 4ft 9!!!!!)
lol, i bet you did but didn't notice it, i know alot of short ppl all of which have past puberty

either way, i still aint hit puberty.......

illicit makes a damn good signature.

BBS Signature

Response to My sexy action-packed bbs story 2006-04-17 20:27:50

I know i dont say much but..... OMFG CCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLOW THAT GUY'S MUTHERFU*KING BRAINS OUT! BLOW EM OUT! BLOW EM OT!