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Adult Cartoons Suck!!

30,512 Views | 433 Replies

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 11:43:36

you suck basterd adult cartoons do not suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ihate you

I'm the original account of Schlupi. Schlupi is the alt. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!

If you like Phoenix Wright, then you love/hate this.

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 11:46:58

you are right man I love adult swim.

I'm the original account of Schlupi. Schlupi is the alt. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!

If you like Phoenix Wright, then you love/hate this.

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 11:48:58

What's Adult swim? we dont have that here

Alot of nothing \o/

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 11:51:12

corey you are so right.

I'm the original account of Schlupi. Schlupi is the alt. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!!!!

If you like Phoenix Wright, then you love/hate this.

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 11:58:00

At 7/30/05 11:51 AM, niaR wrote: corey you are so right.

who the fuck r u talking to? it not any of us, thats for sure. *laughs at how patetic you are*

I need a new sig and stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:02:10

Listen if you hate them dont watch them idiot. Your complaining about shows that are on late for a reason. Youre basically saying youre a gay nerd who enjoyes pokemon and yugi oh and doesnt enjoy the things that normal people like. Honestly, just shut up.

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:21:43

do you even know why they have aduit swim a lot of cartoonnetworks veiwers are over 18 years old so at night they play more mature cartoons they might like more.
and I love adult swim. and they play it at night becuse they did not know younger kids where up that late. and you are a teen and you hate chicks TIME TO GROW UP and come in to the real world

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:27:14

At 7/3/05 05:05 PM, subpar wrote:
At 7/3/05 04:59 PM, Super_Yugioh_Fan wrote: I do my mom!

Did anyone else laugh at this last part?


Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:31:47

i cant believe you people continued to post on this attention whores topic..you make me sad...

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:31:53

At 7/3/05 05:07 PM, Super_Disney_Fan wrote:
At 7/3/05 05:05 PM, Lord_Sex wrote: I'm guessing you aren't 13 you are just trying to be gay you probably allready have an account and made this because you are a stupid faggot
Door, huh? Teenagers and Adults must die, after all, they almost killed numbah 1. ,

If you are rellay 13 years old you are also a teen so your account has to be deleted
chicken fucker

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:32:55

At 7/30/05 12:02 PM, Chris_Aldin wrote: Listen if you hate them dont watch them idiot. Your complaining about shows that are on late for a reason. Youre basically saying youre a gay nerd who enjoyes pokemon and yugi oh and doesnt enjoy the things that normal people like. Honestly, just shut up.

I agree you could not be more correct

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:40:42

o well...You suck you little turd go home and slit yiur wrist or at least STFU cause honestly nodbody give a fuck what you say you little c*nt

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:44:45

Hi. This is just a joke. thats why his name is "Super_Disney_Fan". i first i didn't notice, but plz stop posting in this topic. it's a joke, to piss of the 13 plus page worth of posters. lol.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 12:54:07

O M G you need help everyone loves family guy maby its because your gay and you cant get over the gay jokes that piss you off but we all laugh at them

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 13:06:44

At 7/3/05 05:02 PM, Rebuilt wrote:
At 7/3/05 04:59 PM, Super_Yugioh_Fan wrote: "hello everybodyd"
It bullshit mate, I'm 13 and i fucking hate stuff like that, I prefer Viva La Bam anyway...
When i had a N64, I hated Playstation, I called it Gaystation...I was like 8

We have something in common friend.


Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 13:11:18

EVERYONE!!! Ignore him!! He's just another freakin' alt!!!

Wait....WHAT!? NOOOOO!!! I want my lawyer! I want my mommy! I WANT MY LAWYER'S MOMMY!!!"

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 13:22:18

At 7/3/05 04:59 PM, Super_Disney_Fan wrote:

Instead, I like uber leet kewl shows such a yugioh, pokemon, fosters home for imaginery friends, krypto the superdog and hi hi puffy ami yumi.

Non of those are 'uber 1337 kwel'. Especialy that foster homes one, i saw it on cartoon newtwork, it wasnt even funny stoned ffs.
If you dont like adult swim, then dont fekin watch it.

Smash Joehanson

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 21:45:05

"I hate women, " you say that and then have the nerves to say adult swim is gay when it has lots of reference to sex between men and women n women and women. and just so you know your "friends" arent friends, bjust other losers trying to feel cool... get a job, and grow up maybe your balls will drop someday assumign you have them. and you seem tot alk abotu your mother a lot too.. got a special relationship going on there? and i bet when you check this forum and see how much everyone hates you, your gunna cry and run to your mommy. fucking idiotic child,

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 21:50:48

You'd rather watch Pokemon than women in school girl uniforms . . . do you even have a penis?

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-07-30 22:05:39

At 7/30/05 12:40 PM, blizzard713 wrote: o well...You suck you little turd go home and slit yiur wrist or at least STFU cause honestly nodbody give a fuck what you say you little c*nt

Well said! That wraps everything up.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 03:51:17

I like to get stoned and watch Barney and Caillou. It helps me relax and laugh my ass off.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 10:41:07

At 7/30/05 09:50 PM, BloodiedFangs wrote: You'd rather watch Pokemon than women in school girl uniforms . . . do you even have a penis?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. oh, *tear* thats fucking hilarious. sorta.

I need a new sig and stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 10:44:18

At 7/3/05 04:59 PM, Super_Disney_Fan wrote: I like uber leet kewl shows such a yugioh, pokemon, fosters home for imaginery friends, krypto the superdog and hi hi puffy ami yumi.

yu gay oh pokegay and hihi drugged crappy yummy sucks.

but fosters is great!

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 11:13:09

At 7/3/05 05:39 PM, Super_Yugioh_Fan wrote:

I like pogaymon and Yugayhoe but I hate anime on AS like Samari Champoop,Full Metal Crapamist and Faganoia Agent.

At 10:09 Am LilSlugger wrote

Paranoia Agent Fullmetal Alchemist and Samauri Champloo pwn joo so why doncha go suck Yugay and Ass' dicks ya gayass little fuck. See that pile of nails Super_Yugioh_Fan? Go jump headfirst in there then jam all the nails in your head.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 11:15:02


Wait....WHAT!? NOOOOO!!! I want my lawyer! I want my mommy! I WANT MY LAWYER'S MOMMY!!!"

BBS Signature

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 11:31:39

This guy is over the obvious Barney_POOPY_PISS. They have the same methods of spamming. One of S_D_F's posts were talking about poop.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 12:18:18

"I hate women."

So mature... >.> And Yu-gi-oh sucks. You remind me of my friend Brandon.....

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 12:24:43

Yay! I totally agree wtih u Super Disney Fan.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 12:44:30

(wow, my first post, I need to stop being lazy..)
I'm a fucking girl and I think this topic is shit.

Response to Adult Cartoons Suck!! 2005-08-01 12:51:43

well man, your first problem is that you're 13. second, you like disney cartoons and that krypto show. you can say you don't like shows, but don't sit here and say a bunch of crap about shows you don't watch. you obviously haven't considering you would know futurama and family guy are only toilet humor on the surface. there's some really positive underlying themes to these shows. same as american dad, but you obviously don't see it. so yeah, go humiliate yourself on the adult swim boards instead. and dude..... yu-gi-oh?? that's gotta be the worst cartoon ever. samurai champloo whoops that show's ass any day. and that show's got a lot going for it. it's more than action... a lot more. if you watched an episode, you'd know that too, but you just see commercials for these shows while you watch cartoon cartoon fridays and then talk to your little nerdy, goody-goody friends about how much you dislike something you've never seen. so whatever, watch your lame little card games shows and crap. i'll watch cartoons that got balls.