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Metal Hell

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 10:34:42

At 4/9/06 10:22 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: I think that the message he tried to give, is that if this kid just like pop metal bands, its probably because he always look for pop shit and dont dig to find something more interesting, that he jsut listen to the metal that he can hear on the radio.

The radio is full of crap like Kaiser Chiefs and Artic Monkeys - hence the reason I don't listen to it. Plus I've never heard any of those bands on the radio (cept Metallica, but thats only the Black Album crap).

So I have had to dig up those bands.
Plus read my post above yours. And stop calling me a kid.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 11:50:52

At 4/8/06 11:27 PM, Iron_Fist wrote: Wrong. Other than Megadeth, Slayer and Dream Theater, that list is pure shit. Who the hell listens to Machine Head? They're the worst band ever, only wiggers and douche bags like them. Also, I guess someone forgot to tell you that all of the bands on your list are pop music. Pop = popular, and all the bands listed are huge right now. Piss off kid, you're about as metal as a piece of cardboard.

Dude, please, shut the hell up. So you don't like the bands he listed, big fucking deal. I don't care whether you're the admin of MTV hell or whatever, this isn't MTV hell! There is space in this thread for people who like something other than Black/Death metal. Go look at the bands I posted to get in (page 321 I believe), just don't blame me if you have a heart attack...

Just because a band doesn't spent half their time posing for stupid photos with corpse paint, fake swords and costumes ladened with six inch carpentry nails, doesn't mean they aren't metal. Sure, the bands he likes are more on the popular side of metal, but you have neglected to provide any argument as to why that is such a bad thing.

Megadeth, Slayer and Dream Theater are just as (if not more) popular than any of the bands you dismissed as "pop music", but they're metal enough for you, right?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 11:52:01

At 4/9/06 10:22 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: I think that the message he tried to give, is that if this kid just like pop metal bands, its probably because he always look for pop shit and dont dig to find something more interesting, that he jsut listen to the metal that he can hear on the radio.

He's British. We don't get metal on the radio.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 12:16:25

At 4/8/06 11:27 PM, Iron_Fist wrote:

Wrong. Other than Megadeth, Slayer and Dream Theater, that list is pure shit. Who the hell listens to Machine Head? They're the worst band ever, only wiggers and douche bags like them. Also, I guess someone forgot to tell you that all of the bands on your list are pop music. Pop = popular, and all the bands listed are huge right now. Piss off kid, you're about as metal as a piece of cardboard.

If you're going to have that attitude towards other people just because the METAL (note: METAL; this is the Metal Hell) they listen to is popular, then you yourself can piss off. Stop being such a damn elitist and loosen up.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 14:29:16

At 4/9/06 12:49 AM, farside6 wrote: no dude grind is made to be the heaviest faststest most unhuman music on earth. if it's melodic it just takes away the whole purpose of grind.

You make a good point there, but I was just curious what it would sound like.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 14:42:01

do you guys like my new icon?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 15:47:54

At 4/9/06 06:05 AM, Goatchrist wrote: TrollHammaren, I'm not an elitist but Slipknot is just NOT metal. Your reasoning for them being metal is "heaviness". Well, that's not exactly what makes a band metal.

Anyway, you're not coming back, so it's useless to argue anyway.

The two guys who wanted to be in are both in.

To be honest, I have a really hard time with getting into Power Metal. I can't get used to high-pitched, overused falsetto vocals and the overt cheese effect....

Try Iced Earth with the song Depths of Hell , Last November , Brainwashed , Melancholy (if you like slow but its very good.)

After you get used a little try Blind Guardian with song like Ashes to Ashes ... or Excalibur and Poor man crusade from Demons and Wizards (a band project with a mix of emmber from iced earth and Blind .) You'll get used to the high-pitched voice after a while.

Still I think power metal band could do so much more great song. Some are very bad some are very good you just have to check out for your true taste in power metal. There something fore everybody.


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Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 18:34:41

At 4/9/06 02:29 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote:
At 4/9/06 12:49 AM, farside6 wrote: no dude grind is made to be the heaviest faststest most unhuman music on earth. if it's melodic it just takes away the whole purpose of grind.
You make a good point there, but I was just curious what it would sound like.

dude check out Machetazo. I think you might dig em

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 19:22:51

At 4/9/06 06:34 PM, farside6 wrote: dude check out Machetazo. I think you might dig em

Well, I looked for their songs on the downloading program I have, and I had no luck finding them.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 19:58:16

At 4/9/06 07:29 PM, Evil_Gnome wrote:
At 4/9/06 07:22 PM, Kronik_The_Hedgehog wrote: Well, I looked for their songs on the downloading program I have, and I had no luck finding them.
Wow, the program you have must be pretty crappy. What do you use?

I use Bearshare. I got another version of it today. It's a bit better.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 22:50:13

Are there any Gothenburg Metal bands other than Arche Enemy and In Flames that are at least as good as them that you guys could name me?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-09 23:29:24

At 4/9/06 10:50 PM, HeavenDuff wrote: Are there any Gothenburg Metal bands other than Arche Enemy and In Flames that are at least as good as them that you guys could name me?

Soilwork's old stuff and ALL of Dark Tranquillity's stuff. Also, The Haunted have that gothenburg sound to them.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 00:49:18

back from a long period of jack offery where my house was being renovated. the good news is, i got some kick ass cds (isengard and zyklon-b to name a few) and i look forward to spending more time around you loveable chaps.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 01:05:44

Well, I got busted. Again. I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what I got busted for. Good news, I only got charged with a misdemeanor. Anywho, nothing much else is new. I might be getting a sweet new synth. My music (especially Asgarður's) will sound more like Dimmu Borgir's. :( Or at least it will sound a lot more professional.

You can't spell subtext without buttsex. | I control Psycryptik | Psycryptik controls your mind

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Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 01:20:11

At 4/10/06 12:54 AM, RageOfOrder wrote: Kidding, we love you with mouth. Welcome back!

whoa...when did you get back and where the hell did you go. answers. NOW.


Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 09:10:20

reporting back, my browser kept fucking up NG



Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 09:57:56

At 4/9/06 12:14 AM, RageOfOrder wrote: You really need to grow up dude..

I will say this once and only once


Goregrind is not the only genre of metal. Listening to something nobody has heard of does not make you any more "metal" than anyone else. Similarly, listening to In Flames because they are big does not make you any LESS "metal"

Everyone has to start somewhere and if you never get any exposure to the music, how will you discover it and become "more metal than a piece of cardboard"?


Excuse me? Where did I say that I listen to goregrind? As far as I'm concerned, most grindcore sucks. I didn't say that I don't listen to In Flames because they're big. I don't listen to them because they suck. A lot. I also never said anything about how obscure bands are better. If you're going to counter my argument, at least counter my actual argument rather than make something up, k? <3

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:02:25

At 4/9/06 12:17 AM, WorldOutkast wrote:
At 4/8/06 11:27 PM, Iron_Fist wrote: Piss off kid, you're about as metal as a piece of cardboard.
I believe you're wrong. If a band is in the Metal Archives, then I think the rule is that it is a metal band. Pure shit by your opinion maybe, but most of the bands he listed are in the Metal Archives, therefore metal. The ones that arent (Rammstein and SOAD) only make up a very, very small part of his list.

Then again, it isn't my decision. Just giving my opinion.

Case in point:





Not every band on the archives is metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:10:53

At 4/10/06 10:02 AM, Iron_Fist wrote: Not every band on the archives is metal.

Out of those 5 only 2 were valid examples. And that was the first and the Punk one. All the other had a form of metal in their genre(s).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:16:57

At 4/9/06 12:47 AM, TrollHammaren wrote: Iron_fist,i know you love your metal and stuff,but brutal black/death metal/grindcore and deathgrind aint the only types of metal around.I'm not obsessed with metallica,and im actually getting kinda bored of it,but saying that they've always sucked is an overstatement.They must of been a good band to some degree if they're millionaires at the moment,plus most people that like metal like them.

And fuck you,Machinehead isn't wigger pussy music.They're not the best band nor the heaviest around but they sure are metal.I wouldn't call it nu metal,because their riffs and beats are heavy,yet they're metal,so I'd call it heavy metal.

Learn your metal definitions,shithead.I looked up the definition of nu metal,and get this.

It's a form of music where metal instrumentals are combined with Rap/Hip-hop vocals/elements. I don't know why the fuck people are calling bands like Machinehead,System of a down,Fear Factory,Lamb of god and in flames ''nu metal'',I don't see one element of hip hop anywhere in their music.

i don't like slipknot,but i don't go around saying it's not metal.of course it's metal,it's heavy,and it's ballsier than rock music,the vocals are heavy,so i'm sure that would be a style of heavy/thrash/alternative metal,not ''poser rock''.

For fucks sake,it's fags like you that are bringing the metal genre down.If anything,I wouldn't call bullshit music like Immortal and Cradle of Filth metal.That crap is the stupidest shit i've ever seen.Half of their fuckin career is just posing with cum paint on their face,then posing for 1000 more pictures holding shitty fake weapons and crappy clothes covered in spikes.Then they just bitch about christians and how much they suck and how they want to burn down churches,then bitch about death,then make a shitty record about winter,then another shitty record about winter.Then they do more posing with cum paint on their face.

That isn't metal,thats a fuckin bullshit excuse for a genre of music.

Take pantera.They played metal,without all the bullshit,they enjoyed their music,loved their fans and worked hard at it,spending time touring and releasing good music,not posing with shitty weapons.That's my idea of metal and what it used to be noticed as

Jarrydn and Ghoul are good guys,they might not like the lighter genres of music but they don't call it non-metal and don't bitch at everyone who likes it.They like what they like and let people like what they want,and I respect them for that.Not cuntrags like iron_fist who have to wipe their ass with anyone who doesn't like brutal music

And with that,all you elitest fucks can eat shit.Learn to fucking appreciate the music for what it is,not because they don't wear spiky metal clothes and paint their faces and want everyone to die.It shouldn't be machine head,in flames,metallica and slipknot that get bitched at in every metal forum,they are not nu metal.Nu metal is rap crossed with metal.

Get that through your fuckin head.And don't bother arguing because i'm not ever coming back to this thread again,let alone posting in it.

Where are you people getting the idea that I'm obsessed with goregrind? Could it be perhaps that this guy is actually a huge thrash/nwobhm fan and actually knows what he's talking about? Nah, let's just dismiss him as some goregrind fag and make up arguments that he didn't actually use. Right. Find the post where I said that I like Cradle of Filth. Go ahead. Can't find it? Gee, I wonder why. The argument "they must be good because they're rich" is invalid too, because Madonna is rich. Nickelback are rich too. Does that make them good? Of course not, you dumb twit. I also didn't say that In Flames were nu-metal, and I never even mentioned Lamb of God or Fear Factory. System of a Down, while being one of the more unique nu-metal bands out there, are still nu-metal and hence suck. I actually like Fear Factory, but that doesn't matter. Holy crap kid, learn to argue before you try to rebut me. All you're doing is making up a dumb argument and then arguing against it, you're not proving anything. Finally, if you think Slipknot are metal, you should never be allowed to return. ever. Now kindly make good with your promise, and never return.

You sure Machine Head aren't wiggers?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:19:07

At 4/10/06 10:10 AM, -Nev- wrote:
At 4/10/06 10:02 AM, Iron_Fist wrote: Not every band on the archives is metal.
Out of those 5 only 2 were valid examples. And that was the first and the Punk one. All the other had a form of metal in their genre(s).

Regardless, it's still proof positive that not every band in the archives is metal.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:27:38

At 4/10/06 10:16 AM, Iron_Fist wrote: System of a Down, while being one of the more unique nu-metal bands out there, are still nu-metal and hence suck.

Isn't that a very close minded view to have, that Nu-metal in any form automatically equals shit. And in a thread thats meant to be all about opening your ears and taking in new bands, isn't a close minded attitude against the entire point?

You sure Machine Head aren't wiggers?

Arguments tend not to work using an example based on sarcasm.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:31:11

At 4/10/06 10:27 AM, -Nev- wrote:
At 4/10/06 10:16 AM, Iron_Fist wrote: System of a Down, while being one of the more unique nu-metal bands out there, are still nu-metal and hence suck.
Isn't that a very close minded view to have, that Nu-metal in any form automatically equals shit. And in a thread thats meant to be all about opening your ears and taking in new bands, isn't a close minded attitude against the entire point?

You sure Machine Head aren't wiggers?
Arguments tend not to work using an example based on sarcasm.

No, it's not. Trust me, I've heard the "best" that nu-metal has to offer. I've heard tons of nu-metal bands. Every one of them I've heard is terrible. Despite my demeanor here, I actually am very musically open-minded. I just have discriminating taste and know when a band sucks. Being open-minded doesn't mean liking crappy music.

That's not sarcastic either. I couldn't find a picture of it, but they used to dress like that all the time back when they first formed. Rob Flynn had cornrows, and they all had big blue baggy jeanz dawg. It wuz phat.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:33:52

Well, I got a better music downloading program. Now can somebody reccomend some good Goregrind bands?

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:37:19

I found that wigger picture of Rob Flynn.


Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:43:17

[b]i thought you guys would like this. i did not make it but took it from here: http://www.last.fm/u..al/2006/03/20/99842/


I found this at another forum and translated it from German to English:

An evil dragon has kidnapped a beautiful princess and locked her into the dungeon of his castle. Now it is described how metalheads of the different metal subgenres would rescue the princess as "hero" of the story.

The hero rides to the castle on a white unicorn, defeats the dragon in an epic battle in a storm on the edge of a huge cliff.
Then he rescues the princess and both make love in a magic forest.

The hero walks by, kills the dragon, rescues the princess and fucks her.

The hero comes riding on a harley, kills the dragon, drinks some beer and fucks the princess.

The hero arrives with some mates who play flute, violin, accordion and some other instruments. They're having a party with lots of beer and mead and make the dragon sleep with their music and with dancing. Then hey leave again ... without the princess.

The hero arrives in a dragonship, kills the dragon with his mighty greataxe, moults him, rapes the princess to death, steals her possesion and burns the castle before he leaves.

The hero arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess, kills her and leaves.

The hero arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and spears him in front of the castle. Then he rapes the princess, drinks her blood in an unholy ritualm, then kills her and spears her next to the dragon.

The hero arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his bowels all around the castle. Then he fucks the princess, kills her and fucks her corpse again, slices her stomach and eats her bowels and fucks her again.

The hero arrives. He sees how big the dragon is and thinks he will never be able to kill him. He falls into a deep depression and commits suicide. The dragon eats him and the princess.

The hero arrives with a guitar and play a 26 minutes solo!
The dragon commits suicide cuz he is so bored.
The hero enters the chamber of the beautiful princess and plays another solo in which all his technical ability, which he has perfected during the last years at his music school. The princess runs away and looks for the heavy metal hero.

The hero arrives and the dragon laughs himself to death. The hero steals the princess' make-up and decides to paint the castle pink.

The hero arrives in a shabby Honda Civic, trys to fight the dragon but his gay baggy-pants catch fire and he dies.

The hero arrives, grunting and growling something unidentifiable and leaves after one minute.

The aryan hero arrives yelling 14/88 and looks for the princess. He sends the jewish dragon to a concentration camp. The dragon contacts Israel and the hero is convicted under crimes of racism.

The hero doesn't show cuz he doesn't want to fight the dragon.

The hero prays to god that he will take away this satanic creature. then he tells the princess that they can't have sex before they're married.

The hero shouts "I am the protector of all nonsense! But ONLY of nonsense!" The dragon kills the hero and the princess laughs her ass off.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:43:19

At 4/10/06 10:31 AM, Iron_Fist wrote: Being open-minded doesn't mean liking crappy music.

Yes but you can be open-minded and accept other peoples tastes too.

At 4/10/06 10:37 AM, Iron_Fist wrote: I found that wigger picture of Rob Flynn.

Didn't work, it came up with a gay Angelfire thingy.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:46:22

At 4/10/06 10:43 AM, deurwaarder wrote: [b]i thought you guys would like this. i did not make it but took it from here: http://www.last.fm/u..al/2006/03/20/99842/


Fuck, I should fucking die. After almost 2 years, after 6000 posts….I fail with BB code. It’s because of the other board I frequently visit.

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 10:51:39

At 4/10/06 10:46 AM, deurwaarder wrote: Fuck, I should fucking die. After almost 2 years, after 6000 posts….I fail with BB code. It’s because of the other board I frequently visit.

Despite the cock up (its < > :P), it was still a good laugh.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Metal Hell 2006-04-10 12:12:43

For those who are bitching all of the time about bands not being death metal or bands being too popular stop because its stupid. who cares if there dressed up like alice cooper or if they walk around with wepons. or if their popular for that matter, realy thats the fucking dumbist thing to argue about.