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NG Sketchbook Tour 2009

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Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-05 00:02:30

art isnt about what its made of.

I agree, but I still think using blood, shit, and piss is a little bit silly.

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-05 08:16:28

i think using any body fuilds is down right dirty and discusting...

*apart from saliva if you used paints... i normaly wash the brush and then put it between my lips and press softly and i turn in to make sure it keeps its point...*

thus how saliva could get onto the page... but anything else is just moronic...

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-05 12:09:26


Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-05 15:11:57

Just checked the updated list. Looks like things are moving along. I'm excited.


Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-05 15:52:25

At 8/5/09 08:16 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
i normaly wash the brush and then put it between my lips and press softly and i turn in to make sure it keeps its point...*

oooo yeh, tell us more

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-05 18:35:15

At 8/5/09 03:52 PM, sucho wrote:
At 8/5/09 08:16 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
i normaly wash the brush and then put it between my lips and press softly and i turn in to make sure it keeps its point...*
oooo yeh, tell us more

Turning you on? XD

Sure, we all share one thing. We will all die sooner or later. Thank god.

My art thread, starting from pg 18

See all my crap in larger, smexier images! (DeviantArt)

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Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 00:51:58

Updates? :O

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Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 01:04:35

At 8/4/09 01:25 PM, AbsintheClock wrote: After about a week any blood on any drawings should be harmless. Nonetheless a huge rip off of Andres Serrano.

Oh, please. That guy is such an attention whore. His crap is in no way original.

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." -Jack Handey

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 01:05:58

At 8/4/09 01:37 PM, JoeTheToucan wrote:
At 8/4/09 01:25 PM, AbsintheClock wrote: After about a week any blood on any drawings should be harmless. Nonetheless a huge rip off of Andres Serrano.
Because he's the only artist ever to put blood on his work.

I hope that was sarcasm. Blood and semen have been done to death. Crayola might as well add it to thir 24 box set.

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." -Jack Handey

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 01:33:26

At 8/5/09 03:52 PM, sucho wrote:
At 8/5/09 08:16 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
i normaly wash the brush and then put it between my lips and press softly and i turn in to make sure it keeps its point...*
oooo yeh, tell us more

i knew i should have re-phased that... :3

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 09:47:45

So, because I'm an antsy son-of-a-bitch, what time would you expect this to be out on?

Not till early next year, or so, correct?

"People could care less about you, what people really care about though, is the image of you. The idea of you."

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 10:30:38

At 8/5/09 08:16 AM, LegolaSS wrote: apart from saliva if you used paints... i normaly wash the brush and then put it between my lips and press softly and i turn in to make sure it keeps its point

I sincerely hope you are joking, and if your not i hope you only use tempra paints. Some acrylics, and pretty much every oil, are really toxic (not to mention the gamsol, liquin, and turpentine that are used with oils) and will never fully wash off the brush.

Have fun being sterile and getting tongue and stomach cancer.

As for the use of bodily fluids for art work. Besides the obvious gross out factor novelty, there is another downside. Organic materials like that arent archival, and will either destroy the paper, or fade away/ change color over a short period of time, thus making the piece unstable and short lasting.

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 12:33:41

At 8/6/09 10:30 AM, ornery wrote: I sincerely hope you are joking.

i use acrylics... but the thing is... the amount of paint on the brush is so small it wouldnt make a difference... *im using a grade 00000 brush... :P *its really tiny... almost hair thickeness...* so unless i did it non stop for 4 years.. i think im pritty safe (i think i might need to re-phase some of that as well...) i would never put turp's near my mouth.. that stuff is vial!... but yeah... i dont do it so much anymore since i lost my left arm... just joking... but im starting to stop... and use my hand to wrap around the end and tighten while i turn the shaft to keep the tip nice and pointy... what?...

Have fun being sterile and getting tongue and stomach cancer.

thanks for the heads up... but i think im safe :3

yeah... this whole post needs a good re-phase... but i think il let it pass this time...

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 14:06:12

At 8/6/09 01:05 AM, ElDavid wrote:
I hope that was sarcasm. Blood and semen have been done to death. Crayola might as well add it to thir 24 box set.

Notice my italics on 'only'

No mate, no.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 14:15:47

At 8/6/09 12:33 PM, LegolaSS wrote:
i use acrylics... but the thing is... the amount of paint on the brush is so small it wouldnt make a difference...yada yada...star.... this and... that ...such and .... so....and use my hand to wrap around the end and tighten while i turn the shaft to keep the tip nice and pointy... what?...

well, thats a genuine jawbreaker if I ever did see one.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 15:54:46

At 8/6/09 12:33 PM, LegolaSS wrote: i use acrylics

Well then stay away from the emerald green and anything with cadmium in the name.

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 16:14:15

I just saw the link and found out mine was mailed to me on my birthday.

well, i think its cool.

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You always need at least one asshole moderator for your forum. Its not opinion, its fact

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 16:57:51

At 8/6/09 03:54 PM, ornery wrote:
At 8/6/09 12:33 PM, LegolaSS wrote: i use acrylics
Well then stay away from the emerald green and anything with cadmium in the name.

i think i like...painted a wall..once...

i don't get to have any of the fun paint poisonings you guys have, what can i do? choke on my stylus?


BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-06 18:51:40

At 8/6/09 04:57 PM, sucho wrote: i don't get to have any of the fun paint poisonings you guys have, what can i do?

Take up painting?

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-07 04:13:43

At 8/6/09 03:54 PM, ornery wrote: Well then stay away from the emerald green and anything with cadmium in the name.

hmm... i have a few green paints... i better check them out... iv used them before... :S
*cata green, sea green and metalic green...* but like i said... im pritty sure all my paints are fine... as long as i dont drink them that is :P... then i might have problems... at least all my brushes will be nice and pointy :3... they are only small pots of paint... i paint really small scale stuff... like metal/plastic models... or that munnie thing which is taking forever will all the artwork im doing on it... only using a handfull of colours (non of them been green :3)... so the most amount of paint possible for me to consume would be around a 1/15 of a drop in a 4 hour period

At 8/6/09 04:57 PM, sucho wrote: i think i like...painted a wall..once...

Just the one?

i don't get to have any of the fun paint poisonings you guys have, what can i do? choke on my stylus?

well you always have the chance of getting high voltage shocks from it... keep your drink away from it and your be fine :3

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-12 16:04:12

So... any idea in what phase we currently are at?

Also I kinda wish I could now redraw my entry, but, what is done is done XD

Sure, we all share one thing. We will all die sooner or later. Thank god.

My art thread, starting from pg 18

See all my crap in larger, smexier images! (DeviantArt)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-12 16:43:38

At 8/7/09 04:13 AM, LegolaSS wrote:
well you always have the chance of getting high voltage shocks from it... keep your drink away from it and your be fine :3


NG Sketchbook Tour 2009

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-13 04:48:14

At 8/12/09 04:43 PM, sucho wrote: unlikely.

i suppose so... unless you were to cry streams of water to have a contiouse flow for a current to go along.... the chances are very slim...

sucho.... sucho?... you there?

ah crap

NG Sketchbook Tour 2009

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-13 06:47:58

hello gang,
Im back again, I had a few people personally give me their sketchbook pages when i was in london so i have another handful of updates to do on that list. I'm also told that theres still a few stragglers back at the office. I havent figured out if i'll have time to make it back there so its anyones guess if they are going to be in. I have to make a cutoff at some point anyway. We'll be in this phase all year if I just keep extending/ignoring the deadline.

In other news, ornery has good advice on paints. I used to have a bad habit of licking my brushes. before i got started. Some colors are really bad for you if you happen to get them into your system. So yea, dont do thaaat.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-13 06:51:02

At 8/13/09 06:47 AM, Luis wrote: dont do thaaat.

luckly for me... i check all my paints... and they are all non-toxic!... yay... no liver problems for me :3...

rememeber kids... just beacuse it says non-toxic... doesnt mean you can drink it!

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-13 20:22:52

Bob informed me that hes still getting entries from people that are postmarked WELL beyond the 2nd deadline. At some point enough is enough. So if you are one of those people or were considering mailing your thing over at t his point then dont bother, the project is over. You missed the deadline. Next time dont participate if you are going to take that long on it. Part of the challenge of the project is in following directions.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-13 21:35:18

At 8/13/09 08:22 PM, Luis wrote: Bob informed me that hes still getting entries from people that are postmarked WELL beyond the 2nd deadline. At some point enough is enough. So if you are one of those people or were considering mailing your thing over at t his point then dont bother, the project is over. You missed the deadline. Next time dont participate if you are going to take that long on it. Part of the challenge of the project is in following directions.

So, just outta curiosity.. Will you have the scans available to us before or after the sbt is posted?

"People could care less about you, what people really care about though, is the image of you. The idea of you."

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-14 04:39:55

I forgot what mine looks like

No mate, no.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-14 05:32:40

also... are well all going to... well... put in technial terms... spam the art portal with our scanned pictures for the 2009 SBT?... and if so... on what date?

BBS Signature

Response to NG Sketchbook Tour 2009 2009-08-14 15:57:19

I need a time machine so I can go back and redo my entry.
Oh well, hehehehe


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