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Reviews for "Dear Edmund"

Finally, I can exploit the poor in video games just like I do in real life. Very good game looking forward to further updates on it

Absolutely great game I really love the Idea but I wanted to ask is it suppose to be a survival game were the game goes on forever until you lose and get a score or is it story based game, you see I was able to reach the end but both the health and DAC was almost zero I would have definitely lost if it goes any longer if this was what the game is suppose to be ,on the other hand if the game have a story and an end that you can reach I think it should be a little bit easier for the player to improve the street so that his family can come back or add a way to choose default of the game and also every thing from the post office is too expensive and barley make any difference , lastly Upgrading the house doesn't make an difference maybe make it add DAC points or something like that

Other than that the game is amazing it kind reminds me of a game in newgrounds called "waterworks" it's more focused around water logistics but the idea of having a budget to improve the life of poor people while dealing government officials is something I will love to see more

MindTheGrease responds:

Thank you for your feedback! The game does have an end yes. I understand the balance needs adjusting for sure, so with the next update hopefully it’ll be slightly easier. House upgrades will also give stat changes so that should help as well!
Cheers :)

I loved the victorian setting.

I am STOKED to see the final version of this. The demo already has replay-ability. I agree with some of the other comments that npc interactions outside of work could be interesting. Maybe the occasional cut scene as a treat for certain decision sequences (see the kids playing if you improve their working conditions, witness that "watcher" guy commit a crime on your way home, etc) or collect gifts to be displayed in your home (bread and handmade goods from the people of the street, medals from the D.A.C.)

MindTheGrease responds:

Street interactions are definitely something to add. Would bring a lot of life to the game! And I also like the gifts inside the home idea. Cheers :)

This is a very promising game, I've read some of the reviews you responded to and it seems like there is room for improvement.

A recommendation I have is a longer street with people you could talk to which could give you an idea of how much health and DAC approval the street has (Health and approval would not be displayed on UI), and maybe instead of buying health at Junior's there could be a homeless guy ya give money to for it. Also the carriage that takes ya ta work could be right in front of your house.

The house feels empty. Bed, lamps, door, and occasionally a letter are the only interactable objects. Maybe at work you could ask a person to stay over at your house for a visit or over night, DAC members would only come if you had luxury furniture.

Keep this game alive, I really think it has potential!

MindTheGrease responds:

Thank you for your feedback. Perhaps the carriage being outside of the house could be a purchased luxury? - I also like the homeless man idea, thanks :)