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Reviews for "Re:Maid Ch. 1 (OLD)"

When Erika smiles and closes her eyes it looks like she has no eyes at all. It's really creepy. The rest of the art is very good though.

marblesyrup responds:

That's a bug, not her closing her eyes. Will be fixed for the final release.

sometimes erika doesn't have eyes, i guess you should work on that, but all and all this was alright

marblesyrup responds:

Will be fixed for the final release!

I feel as though there's just no way to keep Hana as a friend rather than just being awkward and turning her away from you. Also there is an inconsistency as Erika brings up drinking when I chose not to drink with her.

marblesyrup responds:

Oops, will try and find why that happens (drinking mentioned). In the final game I think you can retain Hana as a friend without pursuing her romantically.

Let me premise with the statement that if you're looking for a game with storyline and plot potential you have a great start/opportunity here. In a sea of adult games in which plot and character development fall by the wayside, this game stands out. That said....
Nishi seems very self-obsessed. I understand there's a lot of set-up for his backstory and development, however his inner dialogue in reference to himself very quickly becomes repetitive and redundant. After one iteration of "I'm an awkward country-bumpkin who doesn't know how to talk to people" it's apparent. Despite the player's actions, the character seems to lack confidence and "out of control". Saying that, Nishi seems to react as if not being played by the player, rather the choices you make have no consequence on the character or his thoughts. Example, if you make an action that would go against his typical character, he complains about it.... but still does it. For all the characterization you give him this feels like a waste (especially considering how much his characterization gets reiterated).

The art is really great. I appreciate that you seem to have contracted LasterK as a contributing artist and support that. However, I've read some of the other reviews and find myself agreeing with the people who say the adult content is lackluster. LaserK is an incredibly talented artist and I don't feel their passion in this work (the adult content namely, the sprites were great) that clearly shows through in the rest of their portfolio (judging from their tumblr).
I saw your response to another critique, namely on the adult artwork, that said you "didn't believe them" and they were "part of the minority" and really I think when you're putting out a work in progress you need to be especially open to critique. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that this is your target audience and if they aren't responding then you might need to avoid attacking their opinions. As a member of your potential audience seeing another member of it belittled is distressing and makes me not want to support what could be a great game.
Either way, I hope that Re:Maid is successful for you, good luck.

marblesyrup responds:

>"As a member of your potential audience seeing another member of it belittled is distressing and makes me not want to support what could be a great game. "

EDIT: I actually left a short, rather smarmy and ingratiating reply here at first but it just didn't sit right with me, so I deleted it to instead say:

Dear Princess Holliander; fuck you and fuck your fucking bullshit attitude.

I expressed mild surprise at somebody complaining about the art - the first person to do so in the 3 months we've been posting parts of it online. It was a simple and frank reaction that I'd have thought any normal thinking person would be hard pressed to find offensive... yet it apparently caused you such "distress" (wtf) you had to first complain here (in a fake-ass "polite" vein) but then also send a super retarded note to Lasterk on tumblr, calling us "dicks" essentially for saying most people will think the art is good... and you then proceeded to calling the art Lasterk did for the game "super bland". Hey princess, who's the fucking dick?

You say you don't want to support us despite you think the game is great? Oh. Well, thanks for the fucking info..? Yes, we run a Patreon campaign but that doesn't mean we're standing hat in hand on the street outside your house. You came to us, we didn't go to you. Also, did you ever stop to realize just how fucking retarded this thing you're asking for is? Basically you're pushing for this incredibly shitty notion that creators must be smarmy people-pleasers who couldn't even offend a fly if they tried, or else! "Hey! That thing you just said could be construed as slightly rude! It 'distresses' me! Now I'm not going to donate to you!"

Well, fuck you, fuck you hard, and also fuck ME the day I bow to such bullshit attempts at pressuring me. I will continue to say what I think whether or not it will offend you or anybody like you.

If it's a fucking requirement for the Princess that creators are ingratiating assholes who must hold no opinions of their own, never stand up for anything and suck up to each and every single other asshole and their dog on the Internet, then I think I speak for the whole team when I ask you and your likes to fuck right off and take whatever money you might have with you. We don't want you, we don't need you. We're in this for the fun of it - and you sure ain't bringing any.

And Princess - I understand it must be infuriating for somebody like you to not get the last word in this exchange, but remember - you are perfectly free to go go cry about what a dick I am on all the tumblr's in the world.

BigB / Marble Syrup

Not smoking kills