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Reviews for "Re:Maid Ch. 1 (OLD)"

Amazing game as the first version. Got 2/3 (rape and Hana) endings and cant figure out the last one.

I think the game had a Gallery, We need that back.

Looking forward for the final version.

marblesyrup responds:

I think only 2 endings are actually reachable ("rapist" and "thank you for playing")

Great, much like the "first" "Housemate is a Maid"
But damn, no loading bar! I didn't realize my game actually weren't loading while I was waiting for 30 minutes
And dat Erika's eye bug(?) is kind of creepy
Wish I could donate, though. I have no American credit cards and no BitCoin, and dollars price went sky-high

marblesyrup responds:

30 mins!! Wow, for 10 mb? Maybe we should add a loading bar, then. You don't need a US credit card to pledge, though! Any Visa/Mastercard card works (including debit cards)

I was really hoping this game had a better engine. The dialog textbox delay that plagued the previous version of this game (as well as Crusoe) is still present. I find it bothersome that I have to wait a good 2-3 seconds between clicks before the next text to appear, and I find it even more bothersome if an unresponsive script hangs my browser.

With the amount of dialog in the game, I simply don't have the patience for it. If this was any other project, I'd have given it three stars. The only reason it's getting four stars is because I know the game itself is of high quality. Optimize the scripting and it'd definitely be a fiver.

On an unrelated note, it's a shame Hanna had to be redrawn. I really liked the old one. </3

marblesyrup responds:

You're the first person reporting this problem for any of our 3 releases, so I would assume the problem is on your end. If you become a backer you can download an .exe version, might work better for you if it's a browser issue.

The only thing that I found kind of funny was that at one part Erica's eyes disappear...

I like the fact that the game focus more on the text than the plain adult artwork. And I appreciate the fact that the choices I made actually reflected the way I would actually act during sayed scene. The text is really smooth (Althoug there were some skips and repeats near the end) and makes me really interested in Nishi and his backstory. The 4.5 I give is for the actual fun I had while playing the game, but it lost some point for the nude artwork. I love Hana's artwork, but thats just it. The artworks for the other characters in the game are kinda okay (Except for "Elsa", hers was kinda wanky and weird). The scenary artwork is beautifull and the information about Tokyo areas makes them more interesting. My principal and most likely problem was probably the adult artwork. They're not bad, its just that I cant say it was faping material. Kinda worded that wrong... but its the truth. As a visual novel I can understand it, most of the attention goes to the writing and it as hell made this game a fun experience. The thing is that as an adult game the artwork should really wake that feeling of wanting to wank your wiener (Is that how you write it? I don't know). The solution for this is quite simple. Better quality in the artwork and wuild up to these or more drawings of the same quality for the texts, that for every change there is a new pic showing it or at least the same scene from a different angle. Also, the sound. There were some scenes were there would be no music at all and the next scene starts with a head craking sound that almost made me torn my headphone from the computer. Add more ambiental music and lower the volume of this alarms or put a less stressfull sound to them.

Thats pretty much what I could think of the flaws of the game. Its a really good Visual Novel and a really fun to experience. Keep up the good work guys. You're amking gold here.

marblesyrup responds:

Thanks for the review. But the "adult artwork" not being good? I don't believe you, I can't imagine it looking better than it does thanks to LasterK's awesome art. I mean, you can never account for everybody's taste, but I'd be extremely surprised if you're not a minority of one on this...