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Reviews for "Cursed Treasure 2"

Quite a pretty little sequel you've got here, Iriy Soft :D. I love the cartoony style you've given the enemies, while still keeping it recognizably 'Cursed Treasure'.

It's definitely a lot more challenging than the first one. I never thought I'd find myself MISSING the old ninja bosses, but DAMN are those amazons annoying! I'd give anything for a skill that warded against that stupid charm spell >__<. I think I'm roughly half way through getting all the brilliant scores, and personally DREADING how difficult the Wastelands are going to be (especially the night levels. WHYYYYYY).

I also like some of the new tower upgrades, though I don't think I ever once used the ballista route for the orc towers. Seriously, compared to the sniper dens, there's just no contest. The other two classes were fun to mix around though, and I still find myself favoring the undead towers. It's always fun placing about three or so haunting/freezing crypts together for maximum hijinks.

There's only really two things I can think of that would have improved my gameplay experience:

1) I'd be REALLY nice if you collected dropped coins automatically, rather than having to click on them first. Littering the level with stockpiles of mana potions was an invaluable tactic for boss fights, but all the coins seemed to do was stall me from clicking on nearby spell traps at critical moments.

2) A minor issue, but I found that the hotkeys for spells weren't as useful as they were in the first game. Rather than automatically casting the spell where your cursor was, it brings up the spell's symbol and doesn't get cast until you click again. Not to mention you have to repeat this if you're trying to cast, say, consecutive meteor spells. It just feels needlessly stalled to me. Granted, it's only a fraction of a second, but for the life of me, I can't think of any actual purpose this serves. It feels like one of those annoying confirmation windows: "Are you SURE you want to run meteor.exe?" YES, damn it! D:<

Aside from that, it's an awesome sequel. Keep up the good work :D

IriySoft responds:

Hey, thanks! We plan to add auto-collect with the update.

So I have been playing this game for the past few days in the attempt of achieving all of the medals.

Overall I found this incredibly fun and addicting !

The game play is smooth although it does suffer from lag if a lot of action is happening on the screen.

The graphics are crisp and the "story line" is fun in the little snippets that you get.

Overall it is very skill based: where you place the towers, do you seize the hero buildings early or mid game. However, in the later levels: 18- 21 it is quite frankly all about luck, you cannot defend adequately and in order to achieve the Brilliant, you need instant kills or mine generation.

The grinding is a nuisance, to unlock and buy the upgrades, but frankly when is it ever not?

All in all a very well executed game that I enjoyed very much, thank you!

All the best

IriySoft responds:

Thanks! We plan to adjust the balance for the later levels.

make it a little easier or make towers stronger either way great game <(^-^)> even kirby agrees

I like this game so much. It is awesome tower defense game and fun. The only problem that I am facing is the save issue, I don't see my old save file from the day before.

Wow, lots of medals to earn!