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Reviews for "Gorlog 2002"


Apart from bieng destroyed when your far away from and ship or attack....its hard to manuver and there are some points that i have noticed where you cant go through withought bieng destroyed. You said it was difficult but not impossible!


manuvering is good but i mean the game is just plain crazy when u shoot u can only shoot u shots then u have to wait for them to hit the target until u can shoot more bullets i mean this game is possibly the crappiest game in the world i mean really this game just sucks

Robotube responds:

I almost never respond to reviews anymore, but I had to say, after reading your profile, complete with stylin' avatar, I found myself gasping for air from laughing so hard at the magical little world you seem to be living in (which apparently has a low cost of living...$175 a week you say? Sign me up!)...whew...dude, you made my day. You are THE BEST.


that is stupid.....i played and i wanted to know how to play first and crap....when i went down and push space on the "how to play" thing i got ported to the pick a ship screen....and when i go to "options" its the same thing....even the "credits port me there! that is gay man....very gay.....

Very Bad Game!!!

This is way too hard!
It isnt nearly as good as Alien Hominid,


I don't like most of these types of games, but felt like reviewing it

Graphics - 10/10
Yeah, I like pixelated graphics, woo

Style - 0/10
This game has been used over and over

Sound - 0/10
Yeah, it has sound, but not many

Interactivity - 10/10
All you would expect from an overhead shooter

Humor - 0/10
This game wasn't meant to be funny

Overall - 3/10
ok, this is an ok game, not bril, but ok.