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Reviews for "Gorlog 2002"

too hard

way too hard

holy crap

hey man this is a good game but why in the hell is it so goddamnd hard?

what the hell is wrong with you

...if your gonna make a game .... make it playable ... i beat the damned thing but it took me to frickin long ... id rather find my pop's atari and play centipede than sit here and play this game again .

you did a good job but it was just to damned hard

Appealing to hardcore gamers yes, but...

Most people don't have the time to spend 5~10 hours on an internet game, especially if that's just to master it, I consider myself to be pretty decent at other games of this genre, but I spent 30 minutes playing this game, and only made it half way through the second level. There's just not enough incentive to spen large amounts of time on the game, especially when the graphics (all though decent), are nothing to brag about, and the same goes for the sound. I would maybe consider putting in an Easy mode for people that want to spend alot of time on the game, or perhaps improving the sounds and graphics to make it more appealing to master.

Overall it's a decent game, but it does leave a bit to be desired.

I'll say this:

it sucked. NEGATIVES: you blocked every fucking space with bullets or ships. 1 hit = die. Almost impossible to kill mothership unless u stand in a corner. mid 2nd level is blocked by 4 lardass juggernauts u decided to put in a row. PLUSES: good ideas. good effort. Good weapons upgrades. I give you a 7 for effort.