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Reviews for "Gorlog 2002"

way to friggin hard

make this easier god its tro hard


pretyyyyyyyy difficult!...to say the least


I don't know about other people, but I think this type of game has been overdone. This is just your average shooter with no points where they made it special in any way. The ships look quite nice though...

Completely average.

An OK game, but far from great

This game, to start out with, is not BAD. There are a lot of good qualities to it. The graphics and sound are fine, I enjoy the great difficulty of the game, and the game controls very well- if you don't mind having to use your pinky to activate the shield (not to mention the inability to shoot while shielding). The fact that there's a place to enter codes, but no codes exist, is just stupid, and I HATE that you even lose your opening power-up if you die. Also, having a limit of just a few bullets on screen- and somehow shooting your own coins and power-ups!- is idiotic. With all of that said, this game is worth a play once or twice, but nobody should get that addicted to it, because it isn't worth the time.

hard, yeah

Ok, it's hard, but that's not what I don't like. What I don't like is how there's basically no autofire and how things disappear when too much stuff appears on the screen.