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Reviews for "The Hut in Ayre Forest"

I feel as if the artist and musician got cheated on this. Was the game even tested( I know I know; 36 hours is quick but still)? It's fantastic minus all the bugs. Fix them and you get one hell of a great game.

Troisnyx responds:

I am the musician for this project, and let me tell you one thing: I find it insulting that you would think I had been cheated. I SOUGHT OUT Squidly, who was the person behind Second Wind. And Hyptosis came to our group, when we were least expecting an artist. I wasn't even expecting to have a full dev team, in fact, it would only have been Squidly and myself.

We acknowledge that there are bugs, we tested them multiple times. Still had a deadline to meet. I'm grateful that you were merciful to us when you said 'It's fantastic minus all the bugs', you were spot on.

i got to the wolf caves but it wouldnt let go on

well done! The music expressed much of the sentiment for the boy, and his sister. got some glitches after i lost a life. couldn't move just jump in a goofy pose. The fighting was a little stiff, although not a focal point tin the game, it is a large part of the game play, and could be improved by having the enemies do more of a charge and retreat, tactic, rather than just rush. But not bad!

I loved the art and everything, but...

I guess I didn't play the way I was meant to, so it was really short. Like a 2 minute long game.
I just ran past all the monsters and nothing happened because they take a while to attack (except for the blobs).
So I just ran all the way and finished it excessively fast...

I suggest you can make the player lose life when coming into contact with the monsters too? At least it forces you to do some jumping.

Very short with a cute story, but the game was a little confusing in how you could continue replaying the seed collection scene, and you can jump over most of the enemies