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Reviews for "Gyossait"

An atmospheric love story in a dull horror shell

A simple, if at times repetitive platformer with nice atmosphere, I actually felt the love plot and odd characters redeemed an otherwise mediocre game. One one hand, yeah, it's just another atmospheric halloween game, but it's also the rather sweet story of two people who find each other after a long period apart.

I mean, sure, those two beings are gods, and they find each other in the ruins of earth as mankind clings to the margins and the dreams of gods ravage the sanity of those few who endure, but thats on the same scale of a hero wandering through old ruins and forests. So I actually liked the story a lot!

But the gameplay reduced the score. The textures made it hard to determine what was a platform and what was background. The instructions and plot were hard to follow due to the way they were written. And of course the Player Character seems to not want to jump reliably and moves in a somewhat slippery fashion, making it a bit hard to control him/it/them at times.

TL,DR; It's good, I liked it, but for the plot (which was almost touching), not the game play (which was mediocre and dull).

Quite a challenging platformer

However, the game froze and I had to reset my browser when I tried to shoot the gun while next to those things that shoot wind out (Well, they were more like overlapping the character when it happened). Then again, that could just be a computer problem.

This is a really nice game that's easy to pick up and play. I liked the simple controls and evolving game play, but I couldn't finish the game all the way through, mostly due the the crash I mentioned previously. It would be nice if there was a save system, but I don't know if this game is long enough to justify its need.


Though the gameplay is not great, the mood this game created was intense. I jumped when falling into "hell". Very strange!

People shouldn't hate so much on art games

I found this game to be a well spent hour or so of my time. The atmosphere and tension builds extremely well. The writing that is intermittent throughout the game is actually well done: i believe it very well aids to the experience without shattering any fourth walls. All in all, job well done. Controls could be better, and some areas are unnecessarily punishing to the player, but I think that this can be overlooked. Sound design is fantastic. Its very fitting for the visuals...minimalist but effective. The game doesn't slap you in the face with atmosphere, it invites you into it. I was particularly taken aback during the portion about 3/4 of the way through in which the player is launched into the sky and the large triangle amidst a red background becomes visible as the character emerges from the darkness. Well done, and quite an epic set piece. Clearly, other reviewers haven't learned from games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Penumbra. This is certainly the most absorbed I've gotten in any 8-bit side scroller.

This is good game altough I did not get to play as much as I wanted to still a winner in my book. great ambaince