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Reviews for "Gyossait"

I liked it, for what it was...

...a vaguely creepy artsy platformer. Liked the ambience, liked the design. Only real issue I have here is that I got bored fairly quickly; that's not a slight on the gameplay, just a personality deficit of mine. I'm of the MTV generation, man, my attention wanders fast unless you keep hitting me with new stuff. I will say that I liked the ambient sound so much that I kept the game running in a separate tab whilst I went about my other business.

Good but short

Pros (14):
-Epic ambient (+6)
-Very Good Art (+5)
-Decent story (+3)

Cons (-6):
-Too Short (-3)
-Too Linear (-3)

Loved the style, artwork and ambient. But the game is too short.

Most excellent indeed.

Interesting game. Good fun, cool music and atmosphere.

I'd usually complain about the lack of a mute button, but the music's a pretty integral part of the experience, so I'll give that one a pass.

I would've liked a little more pace though. At times it felt a little slow, particularly the main characters slow amble. I also noticed that enemy characters can take out the moving spike but you can't, gun or not. Which wouldn't be annoying if I was better at judging the timing on certain points.

As for the rest? Well played good sir. Well played indeed.

midly disturbing,but...

this game needs an auto save abillity,beacuse im not going to watch the whole disturbing story while pressing the right key all over again
but overall its a nice game,altough as i said 2 times,the story is midly disturbing


kind of game. The game graphics that fit very well for the cryptic-chilling story. All these make this game a very good one. My reason for not giving this game a 10 is that I don't get the story.