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Reviews for "Lab of the Dead"


near the end i felt like it would drag on a little too much though. i enjoyed the gameplay, and got a thrill when it acted in a humanly way twards an object. the art was also well done. great game overall,


I rather play this with determination and patience then do my own homework.. Good Game, I cant wait for the rest of the saga! A little slow to play which is not bad but a big change from the fast paced 'road of the dead' game.

I like it but...

There's no save? :/

Evil-Dog responds:

it auto saves

i'm not very great in reviews so i"ll be simple. This game is good.

No ending - I'm disappointed

First of all, the graphics and quite complex constructed game concept
(affecting the mood, hunger and humanity) is very well done.
Also the sounds and voice acting + background infos are interesting.

BUT I put so much time in completing this game just to see the ending.
Unfortunately, at 100%, there was nothing.
All I achieved are some medals, a major loss of hours and disappointment.

I played and completed "Road of the Dead" and expected something similar.
The game started good and told a story.
I mean, it's even connected to "ROTD". If you watch closely, there is a voice recording of the nuking, which also appears at the end of "ROTD" and therefore this means "LOTD" continues after this event. I thought that's pretty cool.

You guys put so much work into this, but that's not even an open ending.
"ROTD" had an open ending imo and I was cool with that, because it's always like that. But this!? C'mon!
You had so many options.
a) A Scene where he simply escapes and...
- dies due to zombie attack
- flies away in a helicopter (and then dies due to hidden zombie in the back of the heli or just a cheesy "Imma flyin toward the sun" ending)
- saves his ass on a non infected area (and maybe got infected but didn't noticed it - to be continued...)
b) He starts to trust the zombie and thinks it's save to
- hug him or her and suddenly the zombie rips his head off (zing PUNK'D!)
- have a sexual relationship and discovers the joy of necrophilia,
that isn't really necrophilia...well, a new level.
He gets zombie aids, his dick falls off and he dies.

Over 9000 endings!!!

Evil-Dog responds:

a) he escapes and then it makes no sense to continue playing?
b) no comment lmao

The ending is when you kill everyone...we're dissapointed no one gets that....and we don't know why....we really don't. A cinematic for christ's sake what more do you want haha...