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Reviews for "PRIOR"

Good and Bad

-3 Alternative endings (I got only THE ONE, but I'm gonna find the other ones soon.)
-damn great plot and way of storytelling
-Simple but fun controls (The Grav-Nul one is pretty unique.)
-Simple but relevant Graphics

-Controls are buggy sometimes (I have to agree with you, Polym) that it took a long time for me to press the button in the room WORLD by jumping 3 platforms on DIVERGE
-Room REPETITION is laggy like hell (Well, at least in my computer)
-The animation after pressing buttons to open doors is laggy too.

OVERALL: This game is epic with its story and how it is told to us newgrounders, ESPECIALLY if you ignore the bugs and lags that made me give this a 9/10 but still 5/5.

P.S. Dragoonblade, you spoiled the story to me, but thanks btw.


Can someone explain to me what happened in the ending? He just walks into an open city background and there's the flash of a nuke. Tbh I didn't quite follow the whole story... I didn't explore the whole map or all the notes. Someone please explain.

Only complaint:

Could we get checkpoints or save points or at least a "continue from previous room" after the endgame screens? The game is really very good, but not "replay the whole thing over and over to get the different endings" good, you know?

Gripping story

It was a simplistic game in nature that required no dialogue to convey its atmosphere. That was done just fine by the isolation and background music. The multiple 'endings' was a nice touch, as well. It was actually a rather 'dark' feeling game, especially with each ending. I got them in the order of Doctor, City, Family, and it felt as though each one was more depressing than the one before it. It took a little less than an hour to find all three, but that's (IMHO) a perfect timeframe for an NG flash game. The game play was simple, yet innovative. The music was eerie and added immensely to the mood of the game. and the 'story' was gripping, dark, and yet still simplistic, conveyed only through the scattered notes.

It is honestly beyond amazing how much was put into this very short game, three endings, alot more story and atmosphere than I think anyone would expect from such a short game, and, if I didn't have such low morality, I would've cried like a baby at the ending involving his wife and daughter! If I had even one complaint, it would be that it is, maybe, a little TOO short, but I think that it's, otherwise, as close to a perfect game as ever I've played!