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Reviews for "Dungeon Cleaner"


This game misses 1 BIG thing
that the character AIM is at the mouse ALL THE TIME!
That panelize trap sh*t is freak'n annoying like this....
mostly I died cause the character faced the wrong way making me defenseless.
this game needs an update for it to be good instead of annoying the crap outa you.


A solid platform shooter. Does tend to get a bit old after a while though. Still, its nice.

Not bad...but not great

This is a decent platform/exploration game. Much has already been said about the awkwardness of the controls. Personally I felt they were okay and I disagree with others who say that W should be both up ladders and jump. The only major flaw is not having the character constantly facing the direction of the mouse.... this would be a good improvement to make. But overall the movement controls suffice.
However, there are some serious issues with the gameplay that would prevent me from playing this again. The constant respawning of enemies in screens previously cleared means that you have to work your way through again and again after dying...which is tedious. Checkpoints along the way would greatly improve this.
The music is just awful. That constant cycle of bad early 90's synthesizer dross makes me want to shoot myself . Thank you for the mute option.... though it does leave the game with little real 'atmosphere'.
Challenge wise I felt the game was fine with a simple learning curve and helpful hint system along the way.
Overall this is a decent effort, it has an okay control system, with okay level design and okay gameplay. Would I play it again though? Not if it stays in its current format.

ups and downs

First of all i'd like to say that I played this game for over an hour and I tried very hard to like it.

There is only one major flaw, and that's with your control system. It would be SO much better if W was jump as well as Up. It would also be a massive improvement for fighting if the character was always facing the mouse.

I didn't even bother keeping track of how many times I had to repeat some sequences because of the poor controls that you have. I think that if this was fixed it would greatly increase the appeal of this game.

Getting stuck while going off of a ladder into a tunnel was also slightly irritating.

One more annoying thing was with the dynamite. I'd like it to be a little more obvious where the destructible blocks are. I'd also like a better targeting system for the dynamite because I wasted quite a few trying to get it right where I wanted it. Heck, that larger blast radius upgrade would be a great standard thing for the dynamite instead of an upgrade.

Anyways. Good game. I had fun. In the end I quit because I didn't feel like redoing some screens after I died. Taking a little more money and making a checkpoint on every screen would be nice.

Maybe if these improvements are made I will finish it.

eh it was entertaining

For awhile.
But then it started to get boring.
Make it a little bit faster for guns and more challenging enemies.