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Reviews for "Cursor Fx"

not my cup of tea

I didnt really like this at all, the only thing that was different from any other cursor game is the green and red dots, i dont think that enough to call it a game and certinaly not enough to make it worth playing


I have to say that this game was quite unique in the fact that it combines an extremely annoying and very simple game with a bunch of increasingly crappy and annoying cursors and magical enemies who can attack you from the other side of the screen. The game itself was rather boring and I just did not like it because of the magical enemies. Other than that the game was extremely long and it managed to waste 24 minutes. Thank you for the game but in the future, please try not to create the aforementioned magical enemies.

Needeed Better Graphics





I can see that effort was at least put into the cursors, hence the 2 rating. As for everything else, not so much. The music was nice to begin with, then it looped endlessly and got annoying. The dot's "explosion" behavior was erratic to the point where some would explode when I was nowhere near them, and others I couldn't get to explode even after moving the cursor immediately over them. Had difficulty with some cursors "trailing" into the red circles and causing an explosion. Some cursors were so big it was impossible to avoid hitting the red circles. Yet other cursors were neat but difficult to tell where exactly the "pointer" was. Spawning of the circles seemed quite random and, while this is nice so you can't plan ahead and get safe zones, there were times when nothing but red would spawn for periods of up to 5 sec, and with the really big cursors, would cause you to go back 3-4 cursors at a time. Overall the cursors were cool, but the object of the game being what it was, I had virtually no time to enjoy them.


i feel im being very generous with a two, because it really sucks.
one thing i can say, is that the graphics are great, though confusing, with so much going on. and i think the game is confusing, there are hardly any instructions too, all in all, pretty, but not fun.