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Reviews for "DeadBaby VG Dressup"

- Master chief Helmet
- Master chief suit
- Black skin colour

- Mario Hat and hair
- Mario overalls
- 'Small' white gloves
- small brown shoes
- Average skin colour

Solid Snake:
- Snakes hair (with black bandana)
- Goatee with 5'oclock shadow
- Snakes gear (gray and black
- Average skin colour

- Red pointy shoes
- Blue spiky hair
- Average skin colour circle patch thingy
- Animals skin mouth with little black nose
- Blue skin

- Green pointy hat w/ blonde hair
- Green tunic/gear
- Master sword (goes on the right hand across his chest)
- average skin colour

Donkey Kong:
- Ears and curly-ish pointy hair
- Hairy body with missing torso
- Red tie
- Average skin colour

Mega Man:
- Glassy looking head pieces
- curved face opening (kinda like a mask where the eyes go)
- Blue underwear (on the outside)
- Blue bottle like thing (goes on right arm)
- small blue triangles (shoes)
- Blue skin

- White Skin
- Small skin piece (head section - goes on the left of the top of head)
- eyes with bushy eyebrows
- circles (skin colour - go on hands)
- average skin coloured feet things
- Blue shirt with belt

Lara Croft (tomb raider):
- Braided hair
- Greenish top with boobies
- Short shorts with holstered guns
- Brown shoes with white bits
- Average skin colour

- Pointy yellow ears
- Little red dots with a black dot in the middle (hard to find in the head section - the nose)
- yellow tail in body section
- Yellow skin

- Big green cylinder like shapes in the head section
- Square face part
- Red orb with yellow cone in Misc (goes on top of head)
- Green skirt with purple pants
- Green skin

Viewtiful joe:
- Face part with a 'V' for horns
- Pink cloth (place at shoulders)
- White triangle with belt
- Small white pointy shoes\
- big circular white gloves
- Red skin

Simon Belmont:
- Blonde wavy hair with headband
- Leather-like armour (full body)
- brown Studded shoes
- Flail
- Average skin colour

Gordon Freeman:
- Black glasses
- Goatee
- Short brown hair
- Gordons suit (grey and yellow)
- Crowbar
- Average skin colour

- Black pointy goatee
- Red See-through markings (go over eyes)
- Loin cloth
- brown gloves
- brown sandals (with a hole)
- White skin

- Large brown Spiky hair
- Three spiky hair bits (head section - goes on arms and chest)
- Brown shorts (fluffy parts)
- Dark grey shackles (for feet)
- Green skin

- Mohawk and beard
- Scars and Chest hair
- disturbing Red underwear and shoes
- Average skin colour

- Large flat topped blonde hair
- Green army shorts
- green tank top
- American flag (upper right arm)
- Dog tags
- Average skin colour

CONGRATS!!! thats all the story ones, now for the Extras...

- Yellow eyes and fangs
- Black skin

Alien Hominid:
- Antennae
- Jagged lines (mouth)
- green remote (goes on right hand - tricky to place)
- yellow skin

There you go guys, hope this helps

Poor Issac, locks himself inside a chest, dies, and becomes a mannequin for you to dress up.

I got everything on Link except the Master Sword. Where does that go?




i made master chief :D