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Reviews for "The Rise of a Knight"


Everything looked and sounded great. The gameplay however is way over done. This isnt something new; which is okay. However, that game is super linear and whats annoying is that there are no range weapons that you can utilize. Everytime I got hit, even if I had jumped over the enemy. I was back on the ground incapacitated for too long. Nothing super new and unique about this game.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Im glad you liked the art. I worked hard on the atmosphere of this game, as well as the combat. Im sorry you didnt like the combat, this game was a big learning process for me on how to do combat scenarios in sidescrollers. Okay, well, thanks for the review, Im sorry this did not entertain you at all.
Oh well, you cant please them all...

Good! But could be better.

I like it, I really do. But it needs some work.

The gameplay just has a same-y feel to it after the first two dozen enemies or so. The goblin boss is especially boring - you just need to keep the shield up until he's open. You create a wonderful landscape, but forget to vary the terrain. The entire game is an unending plane, which makes me wonder why you bothered to add in the ability to jump (can't jump attack, after all).

Situations with multiple enemies are the only challenging portion of the game, but not because of any decent AI work or interesting monstrous abilities. The guard flinches whenever he's hit, even if the wound is minimal compared to his life remaining. This makes it almost impossible to land a blow when there's three enemies onscreen - you find yourself hiding behind your shield waiting for your mindless foes to synchronize their differing rates of attack so you can get in one quick swing and then hide for another full minute. One goblin takes about 5 seconds of work, but three goblins take 5 minutes.

That said, the flavor of the game can't be faulted. The musical score is very appreciable, and the art just *works*, even if the gore is a bit exaggerated. I won't pass judgment on character design or plot, as I quit midway through due to a distaste of the gameplay.

All in all, 7/10. Not bad, but not great.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks a lot!
You are one of the few who found this game quite hard. Most people found it quite easy, but I find that refreshing and interesting to see how people play this game in different ways. You are right, the A.I isnt that great, but come on, this is a flash game. In what flash game is the A.I amazing? Sorry you didnt like the combat. Im still learning a lot and need to improve I know. Thanks for your input and feedback. I appreciate it, and thanks for liking the art :)

One big problem...

Way too repetitive.

SeethingSwarm responds:

I will keep that in mind for next projects in the future.
Thanks :)

not bad...

needs something here. a save function. and what's the use of jumping if you can't dodge projectiles anyway? that pisses me off. that's of course how i died. like the fact that you rengereate HP while running tho. add to sequel please.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Yeah, the jumping was a pain for me to make. I constantly had problems with the hitdetection and other coding nonsense, but I think I got it to work a bit better in the sequel. Dont want to add the regenerate health thing for the sequel, because now there's a shop that sells health potions that you can choose to drink whenever you want...

I did not have the programming skills to make a save feature for this game, sorry. I was still VERY new at making games when I made this one, and I still am.

Beautiful but flawed.

I can tell the artists took care in the design but I can't stand the gameplay, it's too ghosts n goblins, without the extra lives...