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Reviews for "The Rise of a Knight"

I must say..

The music is brilliant, and the fighting is hectic and fun, it's just a bit too boring. The cutscenes were very boring, I'd read all the text and then have to sit around and wait for the game to continue. The lack of a save feature was also pretty disappointing.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Im glad you liked the fighting. That's awesome :)
The reason why I made the cutscenes so slow was because I kept slow-readers in mind, but I should have made a button where you can skip not just the whole cutscene, but every part of it one by one as well.
Thanks for the review.

Cool game

I would give it a 10 but the spider end guy isn't balanced very well, It's maddening. If you were just fighting the big spider thats different but the spiders keep coming. They pin you down and he vomits on you over and over. If you get stuck in this your just screwed. But I think it was very well done, I LOVE THE BEGINNING CREDITS, very artistic and creates a good mood to the game.

SeethingSwarm responds:

I can see you got quite frustrating with that spiderqueen :)
Well, the thing is it is a boss and not meant to be as easy as the rest. Believe me, I can kill it without getting hurt once, but then again, Im the one who made this game! The spider queen has a rythm that you just have to learn if you cant kill it otherwise. And the little spiders at the bottom are there to distract you. Dont let them. Main things, dont get caught under its puke and use your special move with strategy.

Anyway, its really cool you liked this game so much. I worked hard on the atmosphere and feeling of this game, so Im glad you appreciated that. Thanks!


the graphics were awesome, musics is good, but as most of ppl said, it gets boring. The variety of monsters is good, coz u make a strategy to fight every single monster. But the time betwen monsters should be a little shorter, i mean, you kill one guy, and walk 10sec to kill another. The only thing i hated was when u get like 3-4 guys infront of you, all bashing at the same time, its impossible to kill em, you let your shield down, and even your quick slash isnt quick enough, i mean the attack gets canceled. And one last thing, like most said, include some upgrades or something. For example for the weak ass goblin u get 1 coin, from the big mofo u get like 3, and so on, and every once in a while you come across a weapon and armor shop, something like that would make the game ill. good game non the less, hope to see more.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Yeah many people have said that upgrades and more moves would have made this much better. This game was meant to be a more simpler game only concentrating on action and adventure, but I agree with you guys and will definitely consider things like that for my future game projects. Im glad you liked the graphics and the music. MaestroRage is awesome. And yeah, it does get frustrating with 4 enemies in front of you and really hard to kill them. Try to use your special move with more strategy.
Thanks for the review :)

would be good

if you could pause the game or safe it.... so i cannot make any other things like msn or so and i gave up in the cave... graphics are good sound too

SeethingSwarm responds:

Pausing and saving are still issues for me. Im not that good a programmer and I simply dont know how to do them, especially with a game like this where there are a million things going on in the background. But I do agree with you. Pause and save options would be really good, and I will try hard to learn how to do them. Thanks :)


Dude, Amazing game the music WAS AWESOME!!! At the ending I'm like " WTF I almost got Killed by goblins, eaten by Gigantic Spider and Squashed by an ogre for this!!!! " Then I laughed my pants off. And the music was, again, awesome. Thanks for the great game.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks a lot!
Im glad you liked it :)