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Reviews for "goldilocks 2"


This is one great animation. Great graphics, good sound... but it's too violent. I knew it was gonna be kinda scary... but this is too much! A priest getting killed... great animation though. It really is scary. But next time, not in a church, man... I'm no dork but I think it's... well... you get the ideia.

Whoo boy...


I didn't think that anything could be worse that the first "Goldilocks", but lo and behold, Em Kaah releases this piece o' shit. This is indescribably bad. I guess Em felt that it was absolutely drop-dead neccisary to create even more gratuitous violence...the worst part, though, is that it's 9 minutes of it. 9 minutes. I was rolling my eyes when the guy came in the second time for the nun. I was yawning when he was looking up in the rain. I was wishing I had never clicked the damn "WATCH THIS MOVIE!" link in the first place.

The sound is EVEN WORSE. I know this sounds impossible, but yes...it's even worse. I couldn't understand a word the guy was saying in the beginning, and whenever you can, he sounds like he's been hit over the head with a crobar. "Duhhh...thank...you....duhhh hh...." The graphics are now completely subnormal, also. They consist only of God-awful-ugly-wrinkled human beings as they slash each other to death. Repeatedly. And then some. The whole movie is a knife going back and forth, really. The violence is almost comical in how gratuitous it is; Em Kaah really pulls no punches when he wants to convince his audience that this character is DEAD. And - here's the catch - WHY?!? I'm racking my brain as hard as I can to find a semblence of a plot/storyline/redeeming values, but I can't FIND ANY! Christ almighty. It's teen angst taken to a whole new level...death without meaning. Ugh...I'm sure I'm missing something here, but to hell with it...this movie is shit. I'm sorry, but it is. Maybe if...yeknow, PLOT was twisted into it somehow, it would be alright, but...man.

wrong.....just wrong

This has got to be one of the most depraved things i have seen of ng.
I cant believe you could make such a horrifying flash
very sick

you need serious help

you're a very sick and disturbed individual, and i dont mean that in a good way. it's very obvious you have some deep rooted issues with women, and people in general. i dont know how bad your sex life must be that you would depict such horrific acts towards women, but you need to work it out in a healthy manner, insted of spreading your insanity to stupid, impressionable people on the internet.

This is just too much

First of all, i would like to warn all people who about to see this film that it is a FILTHY, VULGAR, OBSENE, AND FURTHERMORE GROTESQUE. Trust me, I liked the first one. But this... this is the first film I ever turned off halfway through. But is you enjoy seeing an old man get his eye stabbed in superb detail, then this is for you. otherwise, I would suggest you not watch it. It Honestly. It gave me dry heaves.