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Reviews for "goldilocks 2"

Jesus... sick.

What kind of sick mind would create this sort of mind-boggling horror... That's not to say that many horrors aren't perpetuated by people or organizations we consider friendly and whom we should expose for terrible hypocrisy, but such disgusting movies are not a justifiable response.

"Salvation" my ass! The only way I can see a redemption for the author is if there are further sequels avenging the dead - punishing the murderer in the most brutal, soul-and-flesh-rending way possible. EmKaah, you profess to like "The Crow: Retribution." Well I'd really like to see you grab that idea and run with it using the spirits of the innocent victims. Otherwise.... the sadness in my heart will remain.

That was some disturbing shit!

Man that was umm gross.

omfg you're the sickest person i know.

i have to say sometimes i think violence could be cool but even i have to say ......THIS IS JUST SICK. i really recommend you to go to a docter cause this ain't normal anymore.

4 words man: this shit is gay

warning...if yur expectin somtin scary dis iznt for yu..atleast if yur the disgusted easily type or the traumatized easily type..nwayss this iznt scary its jst random violence..i mean i kno its newgrounds and i kno this is an old submission but still..think bout it..this is kinda lik saw..saw isnt scary..maybe disturbing to some..but it isnt scary its a psychological thriller and its fun to watch so yull see wat happens in the end..but this isnt interesting..all he does is killin people in a grotesque way for no particular reason watsoever...i dont see the point of makin this ..i mean unless if yur a guy dat gets scared by movies lik saw...i think scary movies are the movies lik the grudge..even 28 days later was scarier den dis shit..no offense but dats my opinion i got notin agenst yu or ur flashes..ohh i gave yu a five on ten for the effort *lol put into this...for the graphics and dat one joke inside dis shit wich wasnt probably meant as a joke but i took it like dat..'father i have sinned,i have killed a girl,heres her necklace...and her niple' *lol
P.S.: for all the fags outdere dat are gonna say somtin bout my review:
1.get a life (ahhh dont cry)
2.ya i kno datz not how he said the niple quote
3.dont take flashes seriously
4.this for the peps that think this is a masterpiece and are gonna say somtin bout my review 'for the others its yur own opinion and yur untitled to it'...the mona lisa is and was a masterpiece..so is the sixtenth chapel...this is shit..how is killing by removin intestines and mokin god an masterpiece..(ya datz wat i touth yu didnt think of dat)


not all that scarry and it is a bit disturbing but i must ask... what is the signifigance of the runes. the only one i recognized was the thorn. so is there some secret underlying plot here?