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Reviews for "Azul Baronis"

Very good game..

And yet i agree with what "quackofalltrades" said.
We have no control over strategy and movements of our troops.
Battles are randomly generated and about 25% of the time impossible to win.

While i like alittle randomness in such scenarios.. to keep us on the edge.. when its obviously a no-win scenario its no longer a challenge and it stops being fun.

A challenging game is still meant to be winnable with the ressources we start with..

I like the destroyer, very deadly. But the third ship is... weird, short-ranged, not flexible at all. I think its role is to eat up damage and kill destroyers.. I would have prefered something like a corvette/gunship (a step between fighter and destroyer.. more weapons than fighter but less armor than destroyer..)

I would like to be able to customise my ships, like trading flexibility in favor of firepower, weapon systems or defense for example.. so i could have a wing of heavy fighters and speedy destroyers..

The battles are fun, fast, and furious.
I like the fact that many factions can fight eachother.. but at times i wish my guys would try to stay back and wait for the battle to be mostly over between the others before attacking themselves..

Good work for the number of ships on screen.

Nice music and sounds.

The graphic quality was a good choice; you did not appear to sacrifice too much time and ressources on the graphics and instead put more on gameplay (a good point for me IMHO, gameplay; aka fun, is more important)

This game reminded me of the Homeworld games. In a good way.

And with this game, you made true a old dream of mine; to finally be able to have allies in a space-shooter!! Congrats! Just that extra feature means a lot for me.

This deserve a good and solid 4/5. I will look foward to your next work.

A new and, in my opinion, better shooter

The problem with most shooters is that there is just one a lone pilot (which gets really annoying as well as plain weird) fighting against a whole armada of enemy ships. Actually, not really enemy ships as much as oddly shaped rocks that shoot bullets, as AI is practically non-existant. Some times, the ships are even downright stupid. In this game however, it really feels as though you are fighting along side your allies in a giant war. Asides from the lack of an overall strategy and that whole braking technique, all of the computer ships fly with almost flawless AI. Battles are fierce but not artificially over dramatic, always with the right amount of action. The player is granted just enough advantages to make the game worth playing, but not enough to make him or her glaringly stand out. Movement is very realistic, much like driving rather than the traditional "stop and go" action in regular shooters. Personally, I am addicted ot this game

My only qualm and one thing preventing a perfect score is the lack of features. I know that this game is not supposed to give any advantages, but more ships or the ability to give basic orders to friendly ships would not hurt. Also, it would be nice if the amount of ships given for each battle was not random and therefore sometimes completely unfair.

Great idea, poorly executed

I mean, it IS a great game, but it needs control over your little army. I mean, cover me, attack that, scatter, regroup... That would all come in handy. And you shouldn't have to sacrifice yourself to be a destroyer.

Follow your an ally ship... This will make a huge ass group that can destroy a testodon in a second. Its really hard to accomplish though, because they all target something else.

Great concept, poorly implemented

The idea of hundreds of equally-powerful (or weak) spaceships fighting each other is great! This game truely relies on the player's skills instead of the size of their guns. The action was very fast-paced. The control setup was simple and easy to learn. The graphics were great, and the explosions were just cool.

However, the battle setups seemed like they were completely random, and often heavilly weighted in the enemy's favor. I dont give a crap how skilled you are...a fleet of 24 Fighters DOESNT STAND A FREAKING CHANCE against a combined enemy fleet of 36 Fighters, 4 Destroyers, and a Testudon!!! Even if you are skilled enough to evade enemy fire, the rest of your fleet most definitely is not, often being shredded through before the first minute of the fight is even over. This leaves you as the sole survivor left to take down the remaining dozen Fighters and a couple of Destroyers (and sometimes, if you're unlucky enough, a Testudon).

There is also no save system or progression system in this game. If your fleet gets wiped out, thats it... You have to start all over again.

This game needs several things to make it more enjoyable. The biggest change would need to be the doing away with the completely unfair randomness of the battle generator. A random generator is fine, but at least have it generate battle scenarios that are actually doable, creating a certain number of friendly and enemy ships that somewhat balance out. Adding difficulty levels would help this out a lot, with harder difficulty levels creating battles with more enemy ships with smarter AI and rewarding more points than the easier levels.

Adding the ability to quickly issue commands would also be advisable. As the leader, you should be able to issue simple commands like "Cover me", "Protect Destroyer", "Attack Testudon", "Spread out", etc... These could potentially lead to an increase in the strategic side of the game, with the ability to potentially lure enemy Fighters away from the more powerful ships and into traps.

Also, instead of forcing you to restart the entire game after your fleet is lost, you should make it so that you only restart the level you were defeated on, but have a limited number of retries available (possibly gaining more retries after gaining a certain amount of points).

Also, the constant kill-all-enemies situations, as fun as they may be, can be a bit monotonous. Adding various objectives to the battles can mix things up a bit...like having your only goal for the level to destroy the enemy Testudon, forcing the enemy Fighters to retreat or surrender automatically...or simply surviving for a given amount of time.

Just a few friendly suggestions. Hope you take them in to account if you make a sequel...

I love it . from the first shot to the last kill

great game but i wish i could upgrade my ship and forces with my points