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Reviews for "Dreams {durn}"

Great Work

Been waiting for something new from you for a long time, you didn't send me a mail telling me about this one this time around either >.< anyway great work again this one has a far more toned down feel than most of your works in my opinion at least in the beginning, i like how the song really picks up at 1:40, your transitions in this are also vastly better than in some of your earlier stuff but for some reason i feel like this song lacks a bit of... i don't know to be honest it just feels like somethings missing from it.

durn responds:

It's missing singing. :)

It's my next step. And it's sure to be a huge challenge but I think it'll add that "missing element" that many people tell me they feel is lacking in my tracks.

Thankfully Record is all about the incorporation of live audio so I'm set to take that step. I just need to stretch my vocal chords and find a chick that can really belt it out to accompany me. :)

And in regards to no note, been busy with work-related stuff and haven't had much promotion time. Will be sendin' out my update this weekend to those who still haven't heard the freshness. :) Happy to hear you came and listened without one! :D


To start out on my review, I'd like to mention that I have recently been starting to develop trance songs and hopefully I can aide myself, and others by giving advice that both I, and the artist who's music i review, information to profit from.
So hopefully I can give you a tip or two from this hefty review lol :).

First thing's first:

You have the basics down. I see that you have a nice intro, a breakdown / buildup, semi-climactic point, and somewhat of an outro.
If i were you, I would add some sort of atmospheric phase, or something to make the song sound "harmonic".
Trance is based upon emotion. When the song is started, the first few notes should reveal just a taste of the song's full emotion / key / overall harmonic sound.

I would make the kick more "punchy". All songs, and expecially trance should have a punchy kick. A punchy kick can be created by taking a normal kick sound, and playing with the EQ. Look on the internet, (I learned from YouTube), to find out how you can emphasize your kick to yours, and other's personal desire.

Overall, this is quite a good track. There are things that I as a different artist would change, but It's YOUR song. All I can do is give advice to you on how YOU can improve :).
I ask a small favour of you as well.
Could I get you to review some of my trance songs? Preferably "Trancendent"

Thanks !

durn responds:

Aye, I completely agree with your first point. Would've been neat if I'd lightly introduced the build riff during the intro. Could've easily done it too as I didn't use the main rising lead synth during the intro at all.

Second, half-agree. :) The kick had punch, what it was lacking was oomph (thanks bjra ;)). You're right that I could've eq'd it better, I didn't raise the lows enough to give it that pound. The compression I used gave it a nice knock and punch-through but I didn't balance the low-end of it well enough.

Thanks for the great critical review. :) I'll get listening to your track shortly!

Good sandwich making music

The other day I was listening to your tune while making a sandwich and I gotta say, best damn sandwich I've ever made! The lettuce was crisp, tomatoes juicy, and the meat and cheese didn't stick together like they normally do. Perfection!

Now I'm not saying your song directly improved my sandwich making abilities, but I won't rule it out either, I was even surprised myself when I was done.

That's why I've gone ahead and made a mix tape of all your tunes for this week so I can test out my theory while making my lunches. So keep making good tunes, and hopefully I'll keep making good sandwiches.

cheers man

durn responds:

it's all the years I spent working as a sandwich artist at Subway. it infuses everything I do with a certain lettuce-like crispness that ends up translating into the listener's sandwich-making movements.

I've been considering approaching Subway to play my music in all their stores, I think they'd finally have a nation-wide consistency in sandwich goodness were that to happen.

thanks for giving me the courage to take this big leap. ;)


Im a guy that have ben doing Parkour in 2.5 year now and i was looking at some one called Daniel Ilabaca and i founded out that there where using this song and i may say this song is really great! :D I hope sometime in the future some of your songs i be used again in a parkour video :)

P.S. here is the video on youtube if you havent seen it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qps2iT hi9HM&feature=relmfu

durn responds:

Thanks Matashi! :)

Yeah, catsnake (producer/filmer of the parkour series) asked me for permission to use the track. I was more than willing as it was great exposure for my music. :) Still waiting on my DVD though. :P

All I can say is Wow

This song is great, I listen to it daily. Played it at a party I was hosting and everyone loved it. Chill enough to sit and listen to but has enough beat to dance to as well. It is part of my midnight driving play list very cool when driving through a city at night. All I can say is keep up the good work. Awesome.

durn responds:

:) Awesome, man! Thanks for playin' it for other people! :D Always nice to hear that others are feelin' the tune. :) Definitely good drivin' music, I drove a truck for two years so I guess maybe that's been a big influence on my tunes.