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Reviews for "Dreams {durn}"

My kind of music!

Very clean and "headnodic" tune. My only critique is that the overall EQ feels a bit too bright to me... not as much low foundation to balance things out. Other than that it's a great song! Definitely adding to favs. :)

durn responds:

thanks smiley. some other people have felt the same. I probably should've thickened up my kick a bit to solve that problem. I may yet still do that. :) I kinda wanted it punchy but I should perhaps change the tone throughout the track to lend a little more oomph.

thanks for the critical review. :)


the song didnt fit my style but i sort of liked it,anyway keep up the good work and remember what i said, you are one of the best. :)

durn responds:

:) Thanks rackle.


well the intro felt a little bit too long
it's not really my type of song
but you managed to make a song that i listened from beginning to end
i hope you make more great stuff ;)

durn responds:

heh, thanks omega. :) Can't please everyone all the time, eh? :D glad it kept your interest long enough to get through it!

thanks for the review, dude. :)


I really like the beginning and ending portions of the song, simple but interesting enough for progressive type music. The beginning almost reminded me of the song of storms from Zelda.

As for the mid portion of the song, I really feel like it needed a snazzier melody or great new chorus to tie the song together and keep people's ears interested and in awe. Right now the sounds you have would work well for a transition but aren't really strong enough to hold up a large section and be repeated.

Overall you have a very clean sound, so well done and understand I am being really picky and I am listening on pretty bad speakers. I'm excited for all the new sounds you will be making in the future. I appreciated the message about the song and applaud you for making music period. I really want to start actually learning this stuff and hopefully will in the near future. Maybe t that point I could be graced with a review from you haha.

Cheers, EtherealMonk

8/10 to leave room for growth ;)

durn responds:

I can hear how you think the beginning melody's Zelda-esque, have played pretty much all of em and always enjoyed the soundtracks to em. :)

Middle part missing something? hmm, some people've felt the same. I prolly coulda complemented the lead synth with a nice electro pop or something. Definitely somethin' to think about. :)

Thanks for leavin' me room to grow, monk. ;) Get workin' on your own tunes so I can blast em! :D


Once again, a very good.

I found this song to be a little repetative and at times very strange. At the beginning I think you continued to play the same basic pattern over and over again, which became a little boring after a while. In comparison, the buildup at 1:00 was a very good! But at about 1:55 the echo (Not really sure what to call it) affect almost made the entire thing seem slightly off tempo. But at 3:00 I found you pulled it back together again!

So not what I believe to be one of your best, but very good none the less!

durn responds:

during the intro it's the bassline that's progressive. stays in one note and then slowly branches up a scale. and, believe it or not. I used the same melodies throughout the -entire- track. :) I just switched which synths played what and changed the root melody to achieve different harmonics. Was trying to keep it simple and see what I'd come up with.

I don't really hear the problem at 1:55 but some others have also mentioned something about a blur of sound. Must be happening on the left stereo cause my hearing's weaker in my left ear.

Thanks for the honest review, ghostlight. :D