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Reviews for "Chamber Of Seasons"

Not too shabby

I like the whole plot. It's weird, but original. It just needs some more structure. Keep it up!

Very Enjoyable, Looking forwould to the sequal

Im a big fan of post apocolyptical settings. This flash hit the ring spot it was exiting and felt like watching a short film. The level of suspesion of disbelief the film maintain was enough that the story seemed quiet plausable.
Looking forwould to the ending.
I hope to see spring and autum/fall come back and prove themselves to :)


Here I point out what I think are the bads and goods of your movie...

[BAD: ]
1. Maybe the simplicity of the graphics. Guys have pointed this out. But if that's because you didn't have enough time to do nice backgrounds, I totally understand. And even though they were simple, they were nice too!
2. The text in before the whole movie. Maybe you could have inserted some animation or still images around them... just my suggestion so that I can not only read the text but view some images of the 4 robots... etc
(just my ideas)
3. Some robot designs are a little too simple. But I like the Fire cyborg!

1. A hell lot of people seem to like it!
2. I bet you got an awesome score for this assignment.
3. Music was good and I think it suits the movie.
4. The animations (intro, text, credits, battle and all) was damn impressive.

[My rating: 6 stars]

Rock on!

RubberNinja responds:

Thanks, I do agree with you on ever single bad aspect of this flash. Definately things I will be taking into consideration when I get around to doing this again! I actually had a lot more complex characters originally planned, but animating FBF with line tool is overly time consuming.. even if it does have very clean results with lines. So details like that would set me back quite a bit. Next time I will most probably use paint brush to get things done more effeciently. So yeah, I will totally redo the designs for the characters before the next one. =)


The dialogue was terrible. Remember action cartoons are so much better if there is more than karate and lasers. Also, this "cyborg cotrolling each season" thing...you never explained why we need for separate robots as opposed to just one.

RubberNinja responds:

Once again, the concept is one that needed to be developed a lot more then what it is at. My guess is something along the lines of 1 robot controlling all the seasons would be somewhat too dangerous. It would be like making a robot god. But considering man kind had to do something drastic about their climate, they needed a solution and fast. Or possibly they needed 4 robots so they could be placed around the globe. Still something that needs a bit of thought.. Anyways, thanks for the review!


There ya go, without using parody youve earned yourself my average score... dunno what that means lol.
It was okay, can tell its old, tho personally i would have rather waited till the whole thing was finished and released as one movie then like this, because the way it finishes makes the whole thing seem pointless, not long enough to warrant a "to be continued"

Id rather watch the finished product in one slab of flashyness.