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Reviews for "Final Fantasy 8 Spoof"

Now this was ammusing

Was never a fan of FF8 i skipped it and went straight from 7 to nine were there box enemies in it??? whatever good submission i chuckled for many a minute. but when it coems down to it its just a few guys playing with fire which dont get me wrong IS FUN!!

Wow I actually liked that.

haha! I've always wanted to do that, I have a custom built gunblade :D And that was done quite well.

YOU USED THE BLACK MAGES MUSIC! AWESOME! Force your way is one of there best, so great choice of battle music.

I recommend sound effects next time. Good job.

well well well...

... what havewe here? It simply is like this.. if you're gonna make a movie of this kind and it´s an FF spoof, please god dont disgrace flash making this. use whatever editing tool... not just flash.. there are tons of better freeware programs outthere... flash is mostly for animation...

Oh yeah, and it generally sucked to... (peace)

Total shit

What the hell, that was disgustingly bad, just shit. That wasn't funny. And merely because theres whordes of people who are obsessed with final fantasy, this gets front page, I could wipe my ass and show you something more interesting then this, I mean half of it was just a burning box. There was hardly any art to the movie, the idea was horrible and bland, and whatever it was supposed to be it failed. Toss this one to the turd of the week.

I never even smiled at it.

What a piece of crap. not even remotly funny. Badly made, mediore idea. And just to make it worse FF8 is not even a very good FF game. 7 or 9 would hav been much better. or no, wait.. it wouldnt.. its better to digrace a bad game with this kind of crap :p