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Reviews for "The New Hitler!"


It pretty much... sucked.

Not only was it an awful flash, it was stupid and obviously horridly biased. Accusing bush of stupid "lie" smirks? Two words... Go Die.

Otomyte responds:

We'll all 'go die' very soon when the Draft rolls around. See you in Iraq!

(This is assuming you live in America, if not, sorry!)


Smae old propaganda crap people throw around all the time. Lets look at some of the Nazi's values, and compare them to how liberals want our society to be:

Enacted a strong anit smoking campaign, Imposed strict gun control laws, demanded profit shraing between companies, prided itself on animal righs, advocated vegetarianism, created huge government oversight of buisness, and sought to eliminate all class differences.

Those are values of the socialists of today, the super liberals, the types that make videos like this. DOnt pay any attention to these Neo-Marxist fools.

Good soundtrack though


Ill give you a 1 cause at least it wasnt another stick animation...
i love how people call bush "The New Hitler" and republican young adults "nazis" its awesome...
HAIL BUSHLER !!!! thats all i'm sayin. if you wanna call us nazis .. whatever... works for me.. i'm half german anyway...
oh btw your flash sucked... just like Kerry and his damn purple hearts.. im glad i dont have to hear that shit anymore... Better luck next time homocrats... i mean democrats... sorry..... wait... no im not... hmm.. oh well

Otomyte responds:

Faggot republican.

I want the last two minutes of my life back

You think Kerry should have won the election? Seriously? I really hope that you mean you think Kerry would have made the better president. Because if you think Kerry did win the election, and Bush rigged it, then this is a hopeless cause. Nevertheless, I will continue to write this in the hopes that it may cause some people (just one would be sufficient, actually) to see the truth, and that truth is this: THERE IS NO DRAFT, THERE ARE NO PLANS TO INSTITUTE A DRAFT, AND THERE WILL NOT BE A DRAFT IN AMERICA UNTILL HELL FREEZES OVER. Period. End of story.

Now, many of you might be saying, "Gee, Austin, but what about all my friends who are telling me that there will be a draft? Are you calling them liars?" Rest assured, I am not calling them liars. They probably genuinely believe that there will be a draft- that doesn't make them liars-just wrong.

You're probably still not convinced. But if you're still reading this, that means you're probably open-minded enough to listen to what I have to say, and I applaud you for that. Now there will not be a draft for several important reasons.
1. There isn't enough popular support for a draft to be instituted
2. There aren't enough votes in Congress to start a draft.
For these reasons and more, there will not be a draft. Ever.

First off, if a draft were instituted, there would- quite literally be rioting in the streets. There simply isn't anyone in their right mind who wants the government to start drafting people; and there are hundreds of millions of people who would be very, very pissed off if a draft were instated. Think the L.A. riots, but in every major city in the country. A bill as incendiary as the draft could never, ever get through the U.S. Congress, even with the support of George W. Bush.

Second, there isn't a sane politician in America who would support a bill reinstating the draft, much less sponsor it. Politicians universally do what the people want- note that this doesn't always mean "what is in the people's best interest"- and the people do NOT want a draft. So unless the entire U.S. Congress is completely psychotic, they won't allow the draft to be instated, either.

Lastly, George W. Bush is not Adolph Hitler, despite the claims of Mr. Norrgard. After all, people would have noticed if concentration camps had started popping up around the country. The problem is, the people who liken Bush to Hitler are universally those who are too young to remember the horrors of WWII and the National Socialist Party. I challenge anyone to find me a single person who fought in WWII or ever served internment in a concentration camp who thinks Bush is as bad as Hitler was. You can't. Pure and simple. Because every last one of them is greatful for the freedoms we have in America. Granted, Freedom of Speech is the first among those freedoms, but it should not be abused.

So, if the populace of America opposes the draft, the Congress of America opposes the draft, and the President of America opposes the draft, it is impossible for the draft to be reinstituted. In layman's terms, THERE WILL NEVER BE A DRAFT. EVER. GET OVER IT.

Don't even get me started on the gay marriage issue.

Yours in truth,
Austin "Skwerl" Elledge

Otomyte responds:

The title got you to watch, didn't it? Now, I want my two minutes back that I wasted reading your pathetic attempt to change everyone's mind about everything.

Just wrong

You said on your review to snake II that he should stop posting stupid movies, nothing matches how stupid and incorrect this is , get your facts straight before attempting a movie, i hate people like you,if you never posted that comment instead of saying things to diss you, i would be saying things to help you improve, I and im sure the majority of newgrounds would be better off without your ignorant comments.

Im with chris1985