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Reviews for "The New Hitler!"

I'm sure you're very proud of this

Good for you. But hey :dances jig: Bush won.

I really do like the song, team America is funny as hell. And I like that thing with Sean Austin too.

Please move to Canada :)

Graphics and Flash were bad but...

I like the message. I hate Bush too and totally agree with this flash about being Iraq because of oil. We chased Bin Laden for what, ten months then went to Iraq ALSO: Bush is the first president to ever lead an invasion on a country THAT NEVER DID ANYTHING TO US IN THE FIRST PLACE. Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. So what if we don't like the way he ruled, some people don't like us, you don't see them invading us trying to change our way of life, SCREW BUSH!


Obviously this has been done by some kid. First off I guess I will go on the quality of work he did. Not too bad....wasnt great but then again I see shit much worse than that every day on here. Now for what he was sayin in there. Wow you are an uneducated piece of shit. How can anybody trust someone that purposely injured themself so they could earn a fucking medal and go home...yes that is what kerry did. Now bush isnt great but America would have been fucked up the ass if kerry had won. And the draft.....yes he said that there wouldnt be a draft. However if there is a draft I can guarantee you and everyone else that reads this I am going to be voluntarily going and signing up....the military isnt in my plans right now but if my country needs me then I by God I am going to help out. The author obviously is some kid that has no clue as to what the election or the candidates were going for. I would personally like to meet this ignorant piece of crap. And yes I am a gun carrying, flag flying, bleeds red white and blue proud citizen of this great nation and believe that it is a privilege to live here and if that ass hole doesnt like it he can ask his mommy and daddy to move to France with the rest of the pussies.

enough ranting for now

Otomyte responds:

Shut the fuck up, gay kid. I can't wait to see your name in the headlines as one of the many people who died in Iraq.

ACTUALLY, I'd like to see the video of you being beheaded by some terrorists. That'd be so fucking funny!


If you take your head out of your ass, and do some thorough research, you'd see how Bush has thoroughly decieved you all. But not in the way you think.

He'll prob get elected a third term unless a popular figure becomes a candidate, like hilary clinton. Its a good thing that polititians have an intellectual weed-out, because the opinions of the majority would screw your country so much more than you think Bush is.


you get a five for the song but the rest suck