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Reviews for "The New Hitler!"

okay michael moore

yea i dont like what bush is doing, but we still have to deal with him four more years and theres nothing we can do about it! so everyone just shut up about bush, im sick of hearing bush haters always complaining

Otomyte responds:

I complain, you complain. Blah, blah, blah. Also, I'm Brett. Not Michael Moore. Thanks for viewing!


S'ok But I Am A Bush Fan Here But I Do Think He Lies And I Don't Think He Will Have The Draft

Otomyte responds:

Okay, That's Cool. Congrats On Bush's Win, Then! Thanks For Watching!


Yet another flash bashing Bush with the same old tired exscuses. Too bad your "what's worse" choice were both things you can blame Kerry for as well: He doesn't approve of gay marraige either and he wants to keep the war going with more troops. Not very original.

what the

ok shut up about the draft as there will not be a draft if there is it there will probably be guide lines like the last draft where if u are a student and planning on going to college then u dont get drafted and stuff like that but as for me i could care less about gettin drafted as im goin to enlist in the navy and i wouldnt want to be known as a fucking panzy that when his country needed him he ran off and cryed even if it is for a war all the democrats say was pointless and the dude that left the remark about korea having nukes we arent there because they didnt attack us yet and that would start a pointless war


When 59 Million people tell you to shut the fuck up, and that nobody cares that you hate Bush for no reason except those taken out of a 60's hippie playbook, I think it's time to put down the twinkie and pick up in the 21st century. Try not to spread so much hate, you sound like what you're supposedly against.

Otomyte responds:

Shut the fuck up. You don't know shit.